Example sentences of "illustrate [art] " in BNC.

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1 This gives a lighter , cleaner taste which does n't overpower and illustrates the fact that it is not just the obvious oily herring , mackerel and salmon which have the body to withstand a mustard onslaught .
2 Such vivid , metaphoric language epitomizes and illustrates the ultimate truths and values of the police world .
3 Such material clearly illustrates the new modes of thought we were developing .
4 An erudite work by an Oxford New Historicist , David Norbrook 's Poetry and Politics in the English Renaissance , illustrates the structuralist truism that in a binary grouping one of the two terms tends to assume dominance .
5 But in several ways it illustrates the group 's strengths : size combined with flair , a strong French base from which to develop business abroad , and a flexible structure .
6 The work of the EC group illustrates the global significance of the electronic toll .
7 Illustrates the development of communication by electrical means .
8 Below is an extract from the field notes which illustrates the context in which this moral was recounted :
9 The busy periods for the neighbourhood unit reflect those of all policing — Thursdays to Saturdays — and accompanying them on beat duty on these days further illustrates the range of duties which comprise neighbourhood policing and some of the factors which structure it .
10 Keegan ( 1989 ) has developed a typology which he argues illustrates the development process that companies undergo in transforming their marketing activities from the wholly domestic to the completely global .
11 With that caveat I offer one table out of many , which illustrates the negative outcome .
12 Leaving aside the particular case , Honderich 's statement illustrates the problem of trying to blend the study of logic with the history of ideas .
13 While the example of Kepler illustrates the influence of artistic practice on a ‘ scientist ’ ( which is not Kemp 's primary concern ) , discussion of this instance would have enhanced considerably the author 's argument that both the theory and practice of perspective were significant resources for the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century .
14 His career neatly illustrates the expanding commercial possibilities for famous sportsmen outside the field of play .
15 That the Congress is held in Korea following Kenya in 1985 illustrates the growing significance of the young churches .
16 THE SHORT , tragic life of Christopher Palmer illustrates the difficulty of devising a welfare net that would catch all babies at risk of serious harm from their parents .
17 The Florida county 's ironic predicament illustrates the extent to which drug testing is relied upon by some US employers to screen the workforce .
18 The Ks ' story illustrates the pitfalls which lie in the way of practical implementation .
19 An as-yet-unproven system called J-STARS , getting its baptism of fire in the Gulf , illustrates the point .
20 It also illustrates the associated idea , that philosophy is either a knowledge of effects acquired from knowledge of generative causes , or a knowledge of causes acquired from knowledge of generated effects ; and it also brings geometry into relation with motion , for it describes geometrical figures in terms of the generative motions which cause them .
21 Publisher Hugh Murray graphically illustrates the sort of thing you can still expect when you arrive home and take refuge behind the walls .
22 He illustrates the difficulty of trying to divide Conservative politicians into ‘ wets ’ and ‘ dries ’ .
23 I can not remember that particular meeting — nor am I very proud of it — but the point illustrates the sometimes passionate disputes which can erupt during the annual public-spending negotiations .
24 Bronze illustrates the variety which is possible with copper-based alloys .
25 No document of the period so cogently illustrates the swift descent into infidelity as does the semi-autobiographical novel of Samuel Butler ( 1835- 1902 ) , in which the hero , Ernest Pontifex , having been advised by a free-thinker to study the differing accounts of the resurrection in the four Gospels , finds that he can not reconcile the discrepancies .
26 The approach recommended by the Criminal Law Revision Committee illustrates the difficulties .
27 The thread of love running through the story of Sarah and Abraham illustrates the partnership between the couple .
28 The story of Jacob and Rachel illustrates the love of a man for a woman , a love which is human and normal , but based on heavenly values , on giving rather than taking .
29 It illustrates the great freedom which the moneyers were allowed in the choice of design .
30 The similarity of the ‘ portraits ’ illustrates the lack of importance attached to the individualisation of the emperor 's image .
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