Example sentences of "benefit [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Antique fair to benefit hospice
2 The wind that had made things difficult on Monday had died down by Tuesday evening , though it was sufficiently strong to benefit lane one and handicap lane six .
3 Apparently , because my employment had officially been terminated by me , I had arguably made myself voluntarily unemployed and was therefore entitled to benefit money only after a certain period .
4 Well erm I 'll tell you what it is we , we actually build our business by word of mouth and it er these sort of introductions means that we rarely advertise erm and the money saved can be used to benefit policy holders such as yourself which sometimes means that it can reduce charges and erm increase bonuses wherever possible .
5 It 's the first and so far only British union to employ a full-time officer in Brussels , giving you direct access to the law-making process and E C funds to set up to benefit trade unions .
6 You are expected to pay your whack to benefit society at large .
7 Pulsafe Safety Products has launched a new Prescription Safety Spectacle Service to benefit laboratory staff .
8 On the other hand , if the replacement ratio is low , this denotes that benefit income is considerably below that which a person would receive when in work .
9 To be exempt from taxation the trust must meet Inland Revenue conditions relating to contributions and benefit entitlement .
10 At a planned unit cost per claimant of between £12.20 and £13.40 for all benefit claims , to : – despatch 87 per cent , rising to 90 per cent in the last quarter , of first payments on the day that benefit entitlement is established – pay correctly by value 96.5 per cent of Unemployment Benefit payment
11 The researcher has constructed computer models which predict tax and benefit entitlement under the present system , and after any possible reforms .
12 YOUNG Group , the Durham-based opencast coal miner , is losing its stock market quotation because it is pushing through changes to its share capital which benefit majority holders and are in breach of the Stock Exchange 's investor protection rules .
13 In 1870 he was appointed secretary to the royal commission on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies , and from 1874 until 1891 he was chief registrar of Friendly Societies — years he described as ‘ the happiest of my life ’ .
14 Benefit spillover
15 Their view is that if the office furniture division were sold for £23m ( the amount of capital employed in the business ) , the group 's borrowings of £49m and gearing of 57% would be nearly halved ; that Athena 's high operational gearing offers scope for cost cutting ; that an expected upturn in the UK small business sector would benefit Ryman ; and that Dillons , the group 's core business , has performed relatively well , considering that around one-third of its sales are made in the difficult terrain of central London .
16 The decision raised speculation that the NSF government believed the visit might benefit opposition parties .
17 On the other , whatever tactical voting takes place will benefit Labour and the Liberal Democrats , and — as any Tory canvasser will attest — many Tory waverers remain deeply unhappy about the Government 's handling of the economy .
18 Has he seen the comments of a DSS officer in the same article that benefit fraud is now a national sport and that bogus asylum seekers think that the way in which this country hands out so much money is hilarious ?
19 Benefit fraud
20 Benefit boost … arthritis victim Leslie Lee
21 The dam will mainly benefit industry and cities .
22 Benefit talk :
23 They benefit management but they " are not undertaken to please management .
24 The cultural variable of costing and benefit management may require careful handling , although experience suggests that approaches to this are usually cyclic .
25 Benefit help :
26 This will benefit business directly , as will the abolition of the car tax .
27 If it might benefit Kirsty for him to know what had really happened between herself and Ryan , would she be justified in breaking her promise ?
28 How can it benefit crop production ?
29 Benefit cash
30 The Safety Management System is a simple to follow 200 page manual , which hopefully will benefit Dounreay for many years to come and contribute to the reduction of accidents on site . ’
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