Example sentences of "implication for " in BNC.

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1 This change has big implications for health planners and for those caring for people with AIDS .
2 ‘ Now is your opportunity to put to me any questions you have on the detailed implications for the people of the World of the Council 's decisions . ’
3 The above design conclusions have profound implications for the construction details of my chair .
4 Implications for Age Concern Groups
6 The changes now being introduced in the field of community care will have major implications for Age Concern 's work for older people .
7 We are aware of changes being introduced by the Inland Revenue from 6.10.91 and our Field Officer , Hilary Bath , is looking into the implications for Age Concern volunteers .
8 The changes in provision of community care services initiated by the white paper , Caring for people , have major implications for local authority social services departments .
9 There will also be considerable implications for hospital transport services , as well as financial implications for the individuals involved , which are not acknowledged by the White Paper .
10 There will also be considerable implications for hospital transport services , as well as financial implications for the individuals involved , which are not acknowledged by the White Paper .
11 This has obvious implications for making floating current measurements in high voltage distribution systems .
12 Kermode sees this change — which is at the heart of what I am writing about — as having radical implications for letters , comparable to such things as the advent , first of printing and then of cheap paper ; the bourgeoisie 's greater leisure for private reading ; and the abandonment by circulating libraries of the three-volume novel , which had been the favoured vehicle for fiction during much of the nineteenth century : Kermode exaggerates a little , I think ; nothing in the establishment of university English is as important as the innovations in culture and technology which established the book in its modern form .
13 ‘ It has major implications for all future transactions . ’
14 The proposals for student fees hold especially worrying implications for the training of doctors in the UK .
15 But its decisions also have implications for an international debate on the frontiers of medical science , morality , government action and individual privacy .
16 The agreement , reached at a meeting of foreign ministers in Luxembourg , will barely affect BBC and ITV programming but has more sweeping implications for nascent commercial companies as well as for the poorer public channels in southern Europe .
17 That could have important implications for the industry .
18 With restaurants , supermarkets , wholesalers , single fishmongers and foreign buyers all scrabbling for the best fish , the implications for Billingsgate are clear .
19 From my visit to Lhasa last year , I am very much aware of the implications for the Tibetan people of Chinese colonialism and its policy of apartheid .
20 In fact , the present mess , whatever its practical implications for the myriad administrative changes required to implement the Estonian experiment , merely increases the impetus for reform .
21 A 50 per cent increase in applications to a court of three judges and the overall 33 per cent in full court applications had very obvious implications for the availability of judges to hear substantive appeals .
22 ‘ Together with reported delays last year on international contracts , this may have implications for profits in the current year , ’ the report said .
23 It could have important implications for American efforts to arrest drug dealers , terrorists and the Panamanian leader , Manuel Noriega , for prosecution in the US .
24 Policing in Northern Ireland is a very controversial topic in a sensitive environment , and this sensitivity has implications for the research ( on which see Brewer 1990 b ) , especially its design and location , as well as for the validity and reliability of the results .
25 Any significant differences could have implications for the selection of advertising media/overall marketing mix in each country .
26 It was a contrast with important implications for the future .
27 One of Cornford 's most important implications for Eliot was his redefinition of what ‘ comedy ’ meant in terms of Greek and more primitive drama .
29 If this is correct then there are important implications for people who are ‘ near the borderline ’ , if it is decided not to change the clocks between the summer and winter , but rather to retain Daylight Saving Time throughout the year .
30 So , when the trade barriers come down across Europe next year , what will be the implications for our fashion industry ?
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