Example sentences of "associate with " in BNC.

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1 The Emperor has something of the technique of comic and fantastic exaggeration that we associate with Dickens , and something of the manner , too , of Dickens 's reader , Kafka :
2 Patience is not what we associate with Pound , and from time to time he seems to have kicked over the traces ( at least once to be ticked off for it by Dorothy ) : yet we see all over again that the young Pound was well content with Edwardian England , was hopeful of it and ready to abide by its rules in everything that mattered .
3 But there remains a commitment on the part of the police to the principle of improving police relations with the Catholic community , and they try in several ways to overcome the practical difficulties schools are presented with when they associate with the community relations police .
4 The prime reason for encircling dolphins to catch yellowfin tuna is that the tuna which associate with dolphins tend to be larger , and command a higher market price .
5 In a declining fishery , extra pressure is thus placed on fishermen to catch the larger and higher value yellowfin which associate with dolphins .
6 In the Qur'an , which is the most sacred text of Moslems , God is more often described in terms of generalised epithets that we normally associate with human life — for instance , Hearer , Keeper , Guide and Pardoner .
7 There is a narrow line between harness fund raising and commercial exploitation and within the thin financial margins that schools operate there may be a temptation to fudge issues and associate with producers and distributors of products that conflict with the school 's or parents ' values .
8 It is itself required for the fulfilment of the task we usually associate with political authority .
9 Cells generally associate with those of their own class .
10 During the breakdown of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in plasma , the C-apoproteins are lost from the particle and associate with HDL which may act as a reservoir for them .
11 All these questions are concerned with what many people associate with the term discipline — as it affected them .
12 Frances McAvennie , a former council roadsweeper from Glasgow 's Milton housing scheme , is not the kind of character you immediately associate with brasserie lifestyle .
13 In order to become acquainted with our fears , we need to recognize some of the key outlooks and actions which we associate with fear .
14 This species has small testes for its body size , even though the literature records that females associate with several males .
15 Females associate with only a single male during times when they are most likely to conceive .
16 An unworthy book in many ways , indeed in all perceivable ways , it had engaged one reader in that intimate way that we associate with capital L ‘ Literature ’ .
17 The tournament in the early twelfth century was a mock battle little different from the real thing : the highly organized jousting which we usually associate with such an event was only beginning to develop .
18 Make a note of your problem , and the symptoms you associate with it , including when they started/got worse .
19 A number of other damsel fish species , especially during their juvenile stages also associate with anemones .
20 He considers religion without morality to be inconceivable , and if it denies any of the virtues we normally associate with morality , such as , truth , mercy and goodness , it does not deserve to be called religion .
21 lt is to be distinguished from summative evaluation , which I associate with assessment , a periodic measurement rather than a continuous monitoring of process .
22 Ask anyone familiar with the City what they associate with corporate finance and like as not you will be told ‘ red braces , long lunches , big mouths , broad concepts ’ .
23 In the New Testament Satan is much more the Evil One that we associate with Christian theology .
24 Very soon the computer world which we associate with work , word processors and video games will start connecting us to our TV in a relationship we 've never had before .
25 Both pieces of equipment had obviously been rebuilt with meticulous and loving care and shone with glossy new paint of the dark green picked out with gold which I always associate with the more impressive railway engines .
26 However , unlike the Shavante , whose ritual and rhetoric sets into opposition groups and categories of people , and indeed celebrates separation and opposition , Piaroa institutions downplay , ignore , and mask the principles of separation and opposition , principles they associate with relations of dominance and tyranny ( see Overing Kaplan 1981 ) .
27 Quite apart from the cost factor , this growing-on of fish means that all the Japanese Koi have overcome the teething problems you associate with new imports .
28 Since each baboon interacts with many others , and since there may be a long delay between action and reciprocation , stability requires that a baboon should recognise individuals , and remember how each has behaved , or , at the very least , associate with each individual a positive or negative sign , depending on how it has behaved .
29 As they bind to similar DNA sequences and associate with the same proteins , they are likely to be closely related .
30 The ‘ objective ’ language which Olson , Lyons and others are so concerned to identify , and which they incorrectly associate with written language , turns out not to be so functional after all .
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