Example sentences of "hope for " in BNC.

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1 In the years since 1961 , Eastern European dictators have come and gone , moves afoot in South Africa hold hope for the future , and countries abolishing the death penalty are on the increase .
2 This hope for a natural quality in portraits , however , is frequently disappointed , since many sitters are eager to be flattered .
3 This is the only hope for the conservation of pubs from a period with planning ideas so remote from our own .
4 Any hope for the flavour of leeks in a soup , which was again under-seasoned , was drowned in the excessive amount of cream used .
5 But common sense , coupled with the prospect of the time and paperwork involved in interviewing the hundred or so people who 'd been through the Cookery and Refreshment Tent during the past few hours finally defeated his hope for personal glory through brilliant deduction .
6 These six poems are a brief moment of religious experience in an age that believes religion to be a kind of defeatism and puts its hope for man in finding the right secular order .
7 It has suffered a severe blow to trading confidence and the only glimmer of hope for the shares appears to be the prospect of a takeover .
8 He ended by saying that the prospect of a Labour government was a beacon of hope for millions of striving and oppressed people throughout the world .
9 He added : ‘ The Chinese students have given me great hope for the future of China and Tibet .
10 McKeown has not given up on the north 's hope for next year 's Classic , who was found to have a temperature after finishing last in the Somerville Tattersall Stakes .
11 Artery ‘ drill ’ brings hope for heart cases
12 It destroys hope for a better life .
13 DENSIGN WHITE , Britain 's leading men 's hope for a medal in the world championships leaves Belgrade without any medal at all .
14 There was little hope for political enlightenment in the provinces at a time when the number of literary centres and of those attending them fell to one-tenth of what they had risen to in 1921 .
15 At the end he knew with certainty that it was not the lawyer , nor the politician , who was the best hope for care in the country , but the Church .
16 And a belief that the Church ( if it could get its message right ) , more than the lawyers or the economists or the political leaders , was the chief hope for society and the world .
17 But the committee was hopelessly divided on what it meant by Christian hope — whether it was hope for peace and perfection in this world , or hope for a future life , or hope only of forgiveness at the last .
18 Though it does not end ‘ on this sort of flourish ’ , the book 's hope for the future comes in the one ‘ flourish ’ in its dejected concluding lines .
19 Typically , for Eliot , this hope for the future , following the French anthropologists ' piece , looks towards the distant past .
20 Our only hope for a TV of our own was our uncle John Hep who did the bins and could always be relied on for an old radio or a gramophone .
21 In the meantime , the miners represented hope for all of them , but within the giddy cycle of excitements they were all edgy with new fears and old illusions .
22 He does note , in the letter to Zasulich , Morgan 's hope for a future society , which would abandon the obsession with private property , but at the same time he makes it clear that he rightly does not consider Morgan a socialist or a revolutionary .
23 A Sikh Conservative Councillor — Mr Mangat — expressed it quite clearly in 1973 : ‘ The best hope for Sikhs in this country lies in abandoning the turban and making themselves as inconspicuous as possible .
24 Sign of hope for car sales
25 You would have thought there might be a problem of some sort : just a small failure perhaps ; something which would suggest that all was not well within the house of the world champions ; something which would give the rest a smidgeon of hope for the remainder of the season .
26 There was still hope for Britain if the old qualities of stoicism and the knack of handling ‘ native ’ races could be combined with the scientific and management skills needed in the modern world .
27 Bannister and Hunt gave the English hope for the future within the British Isles and more importantly in the wider post-imperial world .
28 When we destroy this ‘ genetic bank ’ we may also kill our hope for feeding our planet in the future .
29 The massive violation of human rights around the world — some 90 countries are believed to practice torture — means that escape and exile is the only hope for many survivors of that oppression .
30 Through the A.P.F. , with its central fund , its National Directors in every country , and its international co-operation , the universal character of the Catholic Faith is brought home to us , and great hope for the future of the Church in the world is given to us , as we see the vigour and variety of its progress in the mission lands .
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