Example sentences of "realise in " in BNC.

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1 That 's until I clock the boat races at the Basildon count , and realise in a horror flash that the Cons are going to do an over-aller ; perhaps even increase their maj .
2 Waugh was a good writer ruined , Orwell concluded , by superstition : ‘ about as good a novelist as one can be … while holding untenable opinions ’ , and the death of Lord Marchmain at the end of Brideshead predictably repelled him , when an apparently unregenerate peer silently makes the sign of the cross and the two lovers , though divorced , realise in a religious ecstasy that they can never marry .
3 Danger signals arise when the normal pain and unhappiness that accompanies all emotional growth enlarges to become a depression which you simply can not shift , particularly if you feel ( for more than a passing moment ) that there 's nothing left to live for — or if you realise in time that you 've stopped being able to look after yourself .
4 I mean , their loan periods are somewhere about twenty five years whereby you probably realise in this country if a young er person wants to start a firm and he 's go to the bank they 're not gon na give him much scope at all !
5 When you are interrupted in contemplative devotion , says Hilton , do n't be angry and depressed but This is the mode by which man following a mixed life realises in himself the creative love of God — the fire of love that Rolle talked of as consuming all that is dark .
6 What was true on the wider front was also true at a personal level : Layton was about to go into his most prolific period of writing , and the whole literary scene was being galvanised into a productivity never before realised in Canada .
7 Renaissance medals , portraits of famous or infamous figures carefully realised in bronze , made an unlooked for advance in price at Sotheby 's coin and medal sale .
8 It is extraordinary that it took so long for the importance of this to be realised in Britain .
9 The implications of Festin in Palacio are realised in a particularly horrific version of Queen Mariana of 1963 , Perro devorando a la Reina Mariana ( Dog devouring Queen Mariana ) where she is set upon by hunting dogs who tear at her blood-red head gear ( Fig. 10 ) .
10 It is beyond doubt that with peaceful development of human society , such progress will be realised in the near future . ’
11 The durability of coins has ensured the survival of these images from poorly documented periods and has thereby provided , as was realised in the Renaissance , a unique memorial to the achievements and history of the past .
12 Recent history is not very encouraging since previous promises of effective decentralisation ( 1974 , 1982 ) have not been realised in practice .
13 This will not be a theory of human intelligence or of machine intelligence , it will be a theory of intelligent information processing , no matter whether that is realised in silicon or in tissue .
14 The fears of those who had stayed away in 1964 were in danger of being realised in 1988 .
15 This was realised in March of this year when , at Columba Club in Bradford , the Bradford Atea Project was formed .
16 ‘ Acquisition ’ is often used in the context of innate , non-specific forms of understanding — for example , knowledge of linguistic universals , being realised in respect of specific linguistic categories or rules .
17 This is a basic assumption for the child to recognise that a single word might be realised in different forms , depending on its grammatical function .
18 Lutyens 's ideal of an orderly life run by efficient , invisible servants is more than realised in this immaculately appointed domain .
19 Should the artist win approval for his project this April or May , it is conceivable that ‘ Wrapped Reichstag ’ might be realised in August or September 1994 .
20 We believe that the whole person includes the dimensions of body mind and spirit , and that all dimension of human responsibility are fully realised in community and not in isolation .
21 One can accept that it is a complex and difficult issue as to which target language is acceptable , but clearly deaf people 's abilities are not being realised in contact with the hearing community .
22 Pick Systems delivered , and realised in the process that the serial-port support could equally well be used to support dumb terminals .
23 A number of Japanese independent software vendors were exhibiting at SunWorld show , including developers such as Technology Fukui , a regional company already developing in the computer-integrated manufacturing field and now to offer a building blocks system for a flexible manufacturing control system ( called F-Macs ) for control of incoming and out going shipments , production line control and automatic warehousing — the system will cost upwards of $10,000 once it is realised in March next year .
24 To qualify for copyright protection a work of art must be original and must be realised in some medium or form of expression .
25 Unfortunately , too few of these goals are realised in the exhibition itself .
26 On the current market situation Mr Peel noted that Old Masters continued to be the strongest area , although there had been a reduction in both size of sales and prices realised in some areas .
27 Since it may not be possible for both sets of belief to be realised in action , if the courses of action are incompatible , it may be rational for one person to give up his/her autonomy .
28 Autonomy involves the right and the capacity to exercise choice and to make reasoned judgements , and not the capacity to have those judgements invariably realised in action .
29 The dictator ( to look at one of Keith Graham 's examples ) who allowed everyone to decide for themselves what they wanted and then told them what they must do , is violating their autonomy not because their wants and needs are not realised in action , but because they have been coerced into doing something they do not want .
30 With the release of ‘ The Rehearsal ’ his ultra-modest hopes have been realised in the finest possible style , because with the obvious exception of Jimmy MacCarthy 's debut there has n't been a solo endeavour to touch this one , here in recent times .
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