Example sentences of "exist [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Further , whatever legal rules do exist deal largely with the conventional medical-legal issues of acute and emergency treatment and with malpractice .
2 Faith and Reason : Why God suffers but is unchanged : In the fifth article in a series on God 's mutability , Canon Roy Porter argues that the idea that God suffers can exist side by side with the idea that He is unchanging
3 Disraeli was later to talk of the Two Nations , the Rich and the Poor , who could exist side by side in the same country with no knowledge of each other 's way of life .
4 Freud takes these points from Le Bon , commenting that contradictory ideas can exist side by side in the unconscious mental life of people , as is seen in children and neurotics .
5 It is distinguishable from power in the sense just discussed ( though the two forms may exist side by side ) in that it does not rely on any idea of direct control over others or coercion .
6 The reference to her Bible suggests two things : firstly the oral and the literary could exist side by side , and secondly that religion and superstition were not necessarily perceived as contesting forms of popular belief .
7 Farming and Wildlife , see how modern agriculture and wildlife can exist side by side at Low Middlesfield Farm , Norton , meet Howard Ward outside Norton Tavern , off Station Road , Norton , 10am .
8 However , those differences which do exist point to JC rather than any other Creole as the focus .
9 Within a scientific community there will exist community sanctioned values guiding the choices of individual scientists , including accuracy , scope , simplicity , fruitfulness and the like .
10 Here , the cosmopolitan exists side by side with the exotic , the cultures of the Orient and Polynesia blend with the sophistication of the Western world .
11 The structure of an organisation is affected by the people working within it , and an informal organisation exists side by side with the formal one .
12 That is , " [ " enters assembler mode and " ] " exists assembler mode .
13 ‘ The historical resistance of the expectations gap , ’ it says , ‘ points to something more than just an ‘ ignorance' ’ gap and suggests there exists scope for the profession to respond more actively to the views and demands of those relying on the audit function . ’
14 It is recognised that it is almost impossible to correctly identify the characteristics of fast growers at a start-up stage but once a track record of two or three years data exists selection may be possible .
15 On the other hand , where circumstances are such that the employee has been put in a position of acquiring special intimate knowledge of the clients of his employer or the means of influence over them there exists subject matter which is entitled to the court 's protection .
16 Indeed , for all firms there must exist output levels and profit margins which maximise their profits .
17 Wheat and cattle existed side by side in the Weald with a wide variety of local wood-based industries .
18 What was clear from my own research and experience was that all of these ‘ crazes ’ or student ‘ tides ’ , along with a few others , existed side by side in 1988 .
19 In this popular thoroughfare , restaurants and theatres existed side by side with shops and offices .
20 It was this temporal hiatus , as much as anything , which allowed the Vietminh to assume power , particularly in the north , but when the Kuomintang Chinese armies of occupation moved in , nominally to take the surrender of Japanese troops but in fact to remove almost everything of value that was portable , they existed side by side in fruitful collaboration .
21 President Truman 's Democratic Administration existed side by side with a Congress in which there was a Republican majority .
22 The simple fact that pianos with and without checks existed side by side in the Vienna of Mozart , Haydn and Beethoven also shows that at least two different schools of playing the piano co-existed around 1800 .
23 There were therefore two different types of Viennese piano actions that existed side by side for more than 20 years .
24 Since the gentry had tended to buy and sell land without reference to the administrative cohesion of the parcels they exchanged , two or more communes often existed side by side in a single centre of rural population .
25 ‘ I was by no means unique in noting how the problems of high unemployment , low skills and high housing need existed side by side in so many places .
26 Further military buildings , probably storehouses and also a bath-house , existed north of the supposed forum .
27 For example , male and female is not a relationship ; there must exist love or desire to actualize and sustain the relationship .
28 Looking back from the late 1980s it seems that decentralization was not a clean break , nor was it a temporary aberration , since elements of both continue to exist side by side in the British settlement system .
29 One aim of experiments is to search for a compact spelling which can show sound and meaning as directly as possible , meet the needs of all who learn and use it , and is still close to existing spelling which has , so to speak , been ‘ cleaned up ’ .
30 That 's right because you you 've an ability there to locate housing close to existing employment as well as erm leisure facilities and retail facilities and that would , in my view would follow on advice in P P G twelve and P , draft P P G thirteen .
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