Example sentences of "express [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 We have to be aware of this possibility and , if we find that we are being misunderstood , find another means of expressing ourselves .
2 As we write for an instrument we must be playing it in our imagination , with the right bowings and fingerings , feeling the sensations of different registers , expressing ourselves through the different tones and timbres , the possibilities of legato , staccato , vibrato , etc .
3 He speaks with really quite a small vocabulary which suggests he is unused to expressing himself eloquently .
4 He must simply have said it for effect ; after all , dramatic effects were clearly his favourite way of expressing himself .
5 ‘ He was purely intuitive and had difficulty expressing himself .
6 Barber had an exceptional flair for expressing himself fluently in crystal clear prose .
7 It 's a shame that someone as obviously capable of expressing himself as you is given to such bursts of undisguised racism and ignorance .
8 However , he appreciated the cathartic nature of expressing himself through the written word .
9 ‘ He has a very strong character and poetry , painting and football are just different ways of expressing himself .
10 In the following year the public were lectured from the courts on the duties of parenthood when , expressing himself ‘ perfectly satisfied that these crimes can be traced to neglect of parents ’ , the Recorder of Bradford struck the familiar harmonies of discontent : ‘ Parents of this time , unfortunately , do not take sufficient care in bringing up their children .
11 It deconstructs the language of communication , representation , or expression ( when the individual or collective subject may have the illusion that he is imitating something or expressing himself ) and reconstructs another language , voluminous , having neither bottom nor surface …
12 The Economist appealed and the matter was settled on undisclosed terms , the damages being ‘ adjusted ’ and the editor expressing himself as being extremely satisfied .
13 She knew he was n't good at expressing himself .
14 He would enjoy expressing himself to her .
15 His method of expressing himself often has its imperfections .
16 It is the whole complex of behaviour , thought and feeling , expressing itself in custom , in art , in political and social organisation , in religious structure and religious thought , which we can perceive most clearly as a whole in the less advanced societies , but which is equally present as the peculiar character of the most highly developed people or nation .
17 A child screaming is expressing itself , or like those artists who daub things in the West — they say they are expressing themselves . ’
18 Our house building ought to develop naturally … a natural architecture is a rational healthy builder 's art expressing itself soberly through the medium of masonry and carpentry . ’
19 I thought at first that the sound , the terrorized shriek , was my last spurt , expressing itself .
20 In all cases , the inner mental being of a creature is similar throughout its life cycle , though expressing itself through different outward physical forms as it metamorphoses .
21 Opposition would certainly find other means of expressing itself .
22 The result is a certain insularity which tends to be pervasive throughout the year , expressing itself in a fear and mistrust of strangers coupled with a fierce pride in the uniqueness of one 's origins .
23 The originality of a critical mind , expressing itself in creative and sometimes idiosyncratic science , has often manifested itself in theological deviation .
24 Like all such oppositions it was cliquy , largely conversational , expressing itself in ‘ private grievances , expressive silences , above all in abstention from praise or at the most , timid insinuations ’ .
25 Another foresees a more conservative role for the middle class , expressing itself in active opposition to socialism as a process of increasing public ownership or control of industry and expanding welfare services , and in a reassertion of the desirability of a more laissez-faire type of economy .
26 The value of such studies is that they show plainly the ubiquity of popular political action , which may be diffuse , episodic , lacking any clearly formulated doctrine , or expressing itself mainly in religious or cultural terms , but always provides a matrix from which political organizations can emerge in favourable circumstances .
27 The merger move had first been announced by the Serbian communists on June 7 , with the Socialist Alliance expressing itself in favour on July 5 .
28 Whereas in the past such external supports of the superego might have been strong enough to compensate at least in part for faulty superego development as a result of difficulties at the phallic-Oedipal stage and might have contributed to the unresolved Oedipal conflict expressing itself as a typical hysteria or obsessional neurosis , today , because such supports are in large part lacking , the outcome is not likely to be the same .
29 ( 2 ) An instrument shall not be a deed unless — ( a ) it makes it clear on its face that it is intended to be a deed by the person making it , or , as the case may be , by the parties to it ( whether by describing itself as a deed or expressing itself to be executed or signed as a deed or otherwise ) ; and ( b ) it is validly executed as a deed by that person or , as the case may be , one or more of those parties .
30 She is expressing herself against the popular wisdom concerning her sex .
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