Example sentences of "myself on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Imagine inflicting myself on anyone in this state .
2 I could see myself on the roof of our house , as , for the last time , I spread the couscous out to dry on a sheet in the sun before my journey to London : I could see the village below me : the tops of the trees , the minaret , the ancient wall which ran round my village .
3 Raising myself on one hand to peer over the ditch before clambering out onto the road , my hand and forearm suddenly went through the soft earth up to the elbow .
4 I turned off the road when I drew level with the Brigadier and his Officers , and placed myself on the right of Mills Roberts as the Brigade swept past to the tune Highland Laddie .
5 Then I get this hot feeling at the back of my head and everything goes funny and I find myself on the floor .
6 If they think I 'm pretty , that 's nice , I 'm complimented ; but if they do n't think I am , I have n't put myself on the line .
7 I always pity the average and fat ones , congratulating myself on having avoided such a flabby fate .
8 ‘ I was sick of seeing myself on television , so I thought the poor public , how are they going to cope .
9 ‘ I 've not modelled myself on Bruce .
10 ‘ I want to put myself on the map and this Test is a good chance to start doing it . ’
11 As in the case of last year 's most successful film , Robin Hood , Prince of Thieves , I find myself on the side of the audiences .
12 And from the glory of this , to being almost arrested in the company of Jeffrey Bernard and myself on the Sydney Harbour Bridge , I suppose must seem an extraordinary downward leap for the Cup .
13 I always prided myself on not being afraid .
14 ‘ I found myself on a level with the whole of the French people ; my new companions … were miners , navvies , workers in metal and wood .
15 This occurred just after I took a turning and found myself on a road curving around the edge of a hill .
16 I refreshed my face and hands with cold water at the basin , then seated myself on a hard-backed chair left near one of the windows to await my tea .
17 ‘ Basing myself on long experience of Churchill over the India Bill , I decided to disregard what he said and go straight ahead . ’
18 Seeing my interest was now aroused , I was invited to try the unit myself on a day 's diving .
19 I did a neat somersault and found myself on the bottom of the river , drowning ; fishing jacket , waders and fishing bag weighed me down .
20 Most extraordinary thing : as wife shoves high-chair into car 's rear suspension and I quietly herniate myself on a couple of bags filled with Devon mud and light aggregate thieved from local quarry by children , strange sense of loss creeps over me .
21 I threw myself on top of the wheelbarrow to hold it down as he passed .
22 The Mexican atmosphere was contagious and I soon found myself on a crowded coach bound for Mexico .
23 ‘ Maybe I was n't disgracing myself on the park , but I was cheating the Sheffield fans and manager Jimmy Sirrell .
24 It was definitely time to say farewell and stepping down from the canal at that point I found myself on the very street of my son 's house .
25 Then it stopped and I found myself on the side opposite to her .
26 The slightest criticism generates an overwhelming impulse to impale myself on my microscope eyepieces .
27 During the 30 years I have lived in the US , as a student and university teacher , I have never seen the large carbuncles and boils described by Robert Mandeville ( ’ The natural history of boils ’ , 20 January , p164 ) , although they were common during my school days and army service in England from 1944 to 1952 and I suffered from them myself on three occasions .
28 The reason , frequently given , and I shudder because I can remember advancing it myself on a history syllabus committee , is that since primary schooling is terminal for many children , they must cover the ground or remain forever ignorant .
29 Brained myself on the boot lid again .
30 A gentleman may be defined as someone who never inflicts pain unintentionally , and where women are concerned I 've always prided myself on being a perfect gent .
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