Example sentences of "to apply these " in BNC.

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1 In addition , it is not known how easy it would be to apply these findings to other hospitals where psychiatric training is less adequate and there is a rapid turnover of junior medical staff .
2 Unlike in the Reich , where the Nazis had sealed off the German people and the NSDAP membership from foreign scrutiny , and where investigative journalism , hostile comment and moral concern were all about to disappear into the camps , leaving the party accountable to no-one , Danzig was never able fully to apply these principles simply because the city remained a ward of the League of Nations .
3 Learning to read , write and do mathematics have high priority , and children should learn to apply these skills in a variety of ways .
4 Carr commented that ‘ as soon as the attempt is made to apply these supposedly abstract principles to a concrete political situation , they are revealed as the transparent disguises of selfish vested interests . ’
5 I remind myself , however , that in seeking to apply these principles , we must not overstep them .
6 There is , however , considerable pressure in many parts of the world to apply these methods as screening tests .
7 Purporting to apply these principles in Coffin v. Smith , the court concluded that the police were in this case on duty ( since they were in uniform ) , and were doing nothing prima facie unlawful .
8 To apply these characteristics as the criterion for dismissal or refusal to employ is to apply a gender-based criterion , which the majority of the House of Lords has already held to be unlawful direct discrimination in James v Eastleigh Borough Council [ 1990 ] 2 AC 751 .
9 However , it can surely do no harm to apply these methods to code switching data , as long as the analyst is aware of the boundary between participants ' own interpretations — as warranted by " displays " within the talk — and the analysts ' intuitive interpretations .
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