Example sentences of "presented the " in BNC.

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1 On this day : the Gregorian calendar was adopted in Italy and Spain and today became 15 October 1582 ; Spain declared war on Britain , 1796 ; Italian troops occupied Tripoli , 1911 ; the first air battle took place between German and French aircraft , 1914 ; the Allies landed at Salonika , 1915 ; Sir Arthur Lee presented the estate of Chequers as an official country residence for the Prime Minister , 1917 ; the Locarno Conference met and the great powers guaranteed frontiers and agreed to put disputes to arbitration , 1925 ; unemployed shipyard workers started to march from Jarrow to London , 1936 ; the Cominform ( Communist Information Bureau ) was set up to aid European Communist parties , 1947 ; tea rationing ended in Britain , 1952 .
2 He threw himself vigorously into the work in hand , and presented the aspect of one who did not know when to stop .
3 Those tests presented the court with a difficulty .
4 His Royal Highness afterwards presented The Duke of Edinburgh 's Awards at St Pius 's Secondary School and gave an interview to BBC Radio Scotland .
5 Export sales of Pot Black immediately proved popular with Thai television viewers , and annual tours in the early Eighties by Steve Davis and the rest of Barry Hearn 's merry men presented the game 's superstars in the flesh .
6 BUCKINGHAM PALACE 12 October : His Excellency Senhor Luis Neto-Kiambata was received in audience by The Prince of Wales and The Prince Edward , Counsellors of State acting on behalf of The Queen , and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from the People 's Republic of Angola to the Court of St James 's .
7 12 October : The Prince Edward this evening presented the Historical Association 's Young Historian prizes on the First National History Day at the Imperial War Museum , London SE1 .
8 Bednota was read very rarely in the villages and hardly ever subscribed to , because , as the peasants themselves recounted , it never printed real peasant articles but presented the countryside as some kind of fairyland .
9 Sir Peter then presented the Association with a cheque for £50,000 to help further development of this concept .
10 At the same time , the First Leisure Corporation presented the Association with a £17,000 coach which had been specially customised for use at Sussexdown .
11 A long paragraph presented the acts of God in the Bible as like a mighty drama .
12 Beaverbrook then presented the final draft of the October 1943 Commonwealth conference on civil aviation , with its four ‘ freedoms ’ of the air , Berle accepted this as a reasonable basis for negotiation .
13 The Commanding Officer presented the prizes to the victorious 2 Company team , and we had finished with ISAAC 1989 .
14 Stakis president Sir Reo Stakis presented the awards at Glasgow 's Grosvenor Hotel .
15 As he presented the crosses he advised : ‘ Live your religious life to the full .
16 Promostyl , a fashion forecasting bureau , presented the design ideas to fashion students nationwide .
17 Standing barefoot on the club stage with acoustic guitar , Carol Laula presented the new , official Glasgow song — winner of a competition sponsored by Glasgow District Council , which is organising next year 's celebrations .
18 He presented the mayor of West Berlin with a statuette of a woman holding a dove of peace and then walked through Checkpoint Charlie .
19 However , it was the New English Bible and the Church of England 's Alternative Service which took the brunt of the prince 's speech as he presented the Thomas Cranmer Schools prize , sponsored jointly by the Spectator and the Prayer Book Society , at St James 's Church , Garlickhythe , in the City .
20 However , it was the New English Bible and the Church of England 's Alternative Service which took the brunt of the prince 's speech as he presented the Thomas Cranmer Schools prize , sponsored jointly by the Spectator and the Prayer Book Society , at St James 's Church , Garlickhythe , in the City .
21 Mr Watkins has after all signed and presented the NES .
22 But it also noted that population would continue to rise over the next thirty years and presented the view that the state should plan future population growth by offering family allowances and income tax relief to those contemplating families along with the development of special services for the benefit of children and mothers .
23 Yet mutual distrust persisted between France and Germany , Hitler rose to power in Germany , the Italian intervention in Abyssinia revealed the contempt of Italy for the League of Nations , and the Spanish Civil War , the subject of the next chapter , presented the stark challenge of fascism .
24 Albert Schweitzer appealed for the same cause the following year , and in January 1958 Professor Linus Pauling , the Nobel prize-winning chemist , presented the signatures of more than 9,000 scientists to the United Nations secretary-general , Dag Hammarskjöld , warning the world of the genetic dangers of tests and calling for their immediate end — it was this which immediately influenced Sakharov to make the same appeal to Khrushchev .
25 His testimony presented the weird picture of a man receiving weapons and money from nowhere , as if the clouds opened and rained them down , and even rotten service did not inspire his curiosity .
26 Captain Awud then presented the candidates for the first committee — as it happened , the development committee .
27 Some of these royal gifts presented the warden with a formidable task : in December 1238 the sheriff of Essex and Richard de Munfichet , warden of the forest of Essex , were ordered to take alive in the forest 120 bucks and does for the Count of Flanders , put them in cages , and transport them in carts to the Thames , where Raymond Ruffus , a yeoman of the king , was to have a ship ready to take them to Flanders .
28 But a reorganisation last year within Telfos Holdings , Hunslet 's parent company , presented the firm with an unmissable opportunity to acquire a 100,000 sq ft factory at Telfos 's headquarters in Leeds .
29 But a reorganisation last year within Telfos Holdings , Hunslet 's parent company , presented the firm with an unmissable opportunity to acquire a 100,000 sq ft factory at Telfos 's headquarters in Leeds .
30 UNFORTUNATELY , I was unable to be present at the luncheon at a London hotel on Tuesday when the Duke of Gloucester presented the first English Tourist Board car park awards .
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