Example sentences of "apply [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We also agree with the Government that minerals operators should enjoy a ‘ level playing field ’ of high environmental standards which apply right across the industry .
2 The suggested analogies relied on with ecclesiastical courts and military courts which apply wholly distinct areas of law do not seem to me to be helpful or valid .
3 In addition , hyssop is an excellent treatment for bruising around the eyes ; crush a handful of fresh leaves into a clean handkerchief , dip this quickly into boiling water , and apply locally as hot as it can be tolerated .
4 These inherent limits to voluntary or charitable giving apply most directly to basic , mainline social service provision where the state accepts a clear residual responsibility .
5 The defendants applied to have the plaintiffs ' actions struck out on the ground that the proper forum for any claim against them was Scotland and that the special jurisdiction laid down in articles 5 and 6 of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters 1968 , scheduled to the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982did not apply so as to permit the defendants to be sued in England , notwithstanding that they were domiciled in Scotland .
6 However , this doe snot apply so much to our other son , Robert , who is a private music teacher in Glasgow , so we see quite a lot of him and his wife and their baby son , who arrived just over a year ago , when we had given up hope of any more grandchildren .
7 Well probably , not that he went and it would of we subsequently we apply much to the U K erm
8 Bitmap editing is done either by covering an area with a new colour or by selecting an area with a mask tool , so that painting or special effects only apply inside it .
9 Unfortunately , even these modest advances apply only to the south of Sri Lanka , the primary focus of Amnesty 's campaign last autumn .
10 The controls apply only to new oil-burners and the environmental pressure group say they simply bring Europe into line with standards set in the US 13 years ago .
11 In America 26 of the 50 states have published ‘ shield ’ laws allowing journalists to protect their sources , with certain exceptions which generally apply only if the information is relevant , can not be obtained in any other way , and public interest is better served by disclosure than by keeping the source confidential .
12 They apply only to sight , and leave the reader assuming that , unlike what we see , what we touch exists independently of the mind .
13 Some provisions of the criminal law apply only to British citizens ; an alien can not own a British ship or a share in one ; and some other disabilities have been imposed by Statute , especially on former enemy aliens .
14 Apply only in thin layers , coat on coat .
15 International law and the Geneva conventions apply only to the endless cases of aggression around the world , with the US , Britain and Israel being some of the main provocateurs in the aggressors ' camp .
16 Stories about being better off out of work apply only to relatively few people , those with large families and particularly exploitative employers .
17 The picture I am trying to convey , and it is one which is borne on me with passionate intensity almost every time I enter a primary school class , is of rigid and often unsuitable instruments ( the centralised curriculum plan , textbooks , methods of assessment ) imposed in situations where they do not apply or where they apply only to a small number of individuals within a group .
18 It can not , ex hypothesi , apply only to proper genuine Acts of Parliament since that would beg the very question under review .
19 All these colour forms apply only to males — the females of all three types are indistinguishable , being whitish yellow with a black longitudinal band , and black in the pelvic fins and anterior dorsal .
20 The definition of teaching as a pragmatic process of continuous evaluation , as proposed in the previous chapter , does not , of course , apply only to the teaching of languages but is in principle applicable to the teaching of all subjects on the curriculum .
21 The Regulations apply only where computer screens are habitually used by one or more employees as a significant part of daily work .
22 Does the idea of homology apply only to morphological patterns , he asks , or can it be applied to developmental processes ?
23 In the presentation and analysis of the interview data which follows , the conclusions I draw do , strictly speaking , apply only to the research sample .
24 Accordingly where the second form of connecting factor is not applicable these Conventions apply only where all three parties involved ( supplier/lessor/lessee and supplier/debtor/factor ) carry on business in Contracting States .
25 Arangio-Ruiz , who replaced Riphagen as Rapporteur at the 39th session of the International Law Commission , has proposed that the Commission examine separately the consequences of an international delict and an international crime , since certain consequences apply only to the latter .
26 These arguments as to public reaction and " trouble " for the social worker apply only to what may be seen as more considerable reforms — the relaxation of strict sexual control in most residential institutions , a greater measure of sexual tolerance for the mentally handicapped , plainer recognition of the sexual needs and problems of earlier adolescence ( even pre-adolescence ) and so on .
27 The same objection applies to a third possibility , namely , that the sections apply only to dealings with property , immovable or movable , situate in England and Wales at the relevant time .
28 I can see nothing in section 61 to suggest that these trust provisions apply only if the trust existed at the time the deposit was made .
29 Save as otherwise expressly provided , the definitions in sections 4 and 5 of the Act apply only for the purposes of interpreting section 1 of the Act : see section 1(3) .
30 " They apply only in Khartoum .
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