Example sentences of "to feel [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is customary for artists to feel antagonism towards critics , and though Sylvester was welcomed at the Royal College 's Senior Common Room , the painters sometimes joked that they found their ideas a week later in the pages of The Listener translated into the very different language of the critic : Minton , accordingly , coined the term ‘ pre-Sylvestration ’ to refer to this process .
2 ( Did an Edwina Currie when at the MMB , by speaking out against cows being injected with a hormone that can increase yields but which , she feared , would cause consumers to feel milk was not ‘ natural ’ .
3 My reaction to female flesh was neither as extreme nor as ignorant as that , and it was only my own , not that of other women , which caused me to feel revulsion .
4 Your guests , your audience , your congregation need to feel part of what 's happening .
5 I do n't know whether it affects anyone else but what happened to me was that for the first time in my adult life I began to feel part of a community .
6 RIGHT It is important for a puppy to be made to feel part of the family but you must be consistent in your approach to training .
7 They want to be able to discuss and collaborate , and to feel part of a team .
8 It is within this group that he comes to establish both personal social bonds within his particular sub-group , but also comes to feel part of a wider social collective , as witnessed by the ‘ we 're all in it together ’ type of accounts given by members .
9 There is , therefore , a real need for the development of a more aware and accepting society , since this rejection — obvious , implied or felt by the disabled themselves — is a great handicap in their struggle to feel part of the community and to lead normal lives .
10 How lovely to feel part of a successful and enterprising University .
11 Marjorie is among those who benefit from being able to feel part of a community in a home close to the town centre .
12 He and his father agree that alienated youngsters need to feel part of society again .
13 Such meetings will also have a social function , bringing agents together for a few days to exchange ideas , discuss common problems and be made to feel part of the company .
14 I do n't think any rider , with hand on heart , is happy about a loan situation , he likes to feel part of the set up .
15 Yet I have taught myself not to feel discontent .
16 I think Mr Wright realises he has produced a piece of special pleading that does not wholly stand up , but it is difficult not to feel sympathy with his assertion : The past can not be changed , but what we make of it certainly can .
17 The competent and experienced reader can overcome an initial resistance to an author with irritating mannerisms ; the young reader probably needs to feel sympathy or empathy in order to engage with an author .
18 It 's hard , then , not to feel sympathy for Kevin Keegan and Peter Shilton , both of whom have recently abandoned pleasant existences ( as wealthy horse-breeder and plucky net-minder respectively ) to don shiny suits and shiny smiles , and stand beside worried-looking club chairmen at press conferences to promise greatness ahead for their new teams .
19 Rostov found it hard to feel sympathy for Grigoriev 's predicament .
20 You are made to feel sympathy at certain points of the book and hatred at others .
21 We therefore have a clashing interest of views over whether to feel sympathy or revulsion about Blanche .
22 Again , he might have been tempted to land and feed , but he felt an urging to fly on , to travel far , as if today of all days he would begin to feel freedom at last .
23 It is common to feel light headed or ‘ distant ’ after working intuitively , unless you consciously return to terra-firma .
24 It was all too late now and with the woman here , right in front of her , it seemed so pointless to feel animosity .
25 They want to be effective in helping children to learn and develop , and they want to be able to feel pleasure in doing so , and pleased with themselves ( though often they find this a not-quite-nice thing to admit to ) for having done a good job .
26 ‘ Let me out ! ’ she said , too hot with anger to feel fear .
27 It would seem that our capacity to feel fear is great and the merest trigger can set it off .
28 ‘ We 're dealin' here with a fuckin' serial killer , who 's too insane to feel fear .
29 We need to create an atmosphere in residential work where it is OK for workers , male and female , to feel — to feel fear , anger , love and sexual arousal .
30 Wet through again I wandered about inside the house touching pictures , clocks , trying to feel loss for these things , but it would n't come this time — that sense that had been with me since the reading of Francis 's Will had vanished .
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