Example sentences of "to identify [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The critic 's skill is to identify for each and every work just what the various priorities are , and apply those criteria uniformly to every version .
2 If the originals are being shot to a numbered shooting script , it makes the material easier to identify for editing if you record the shot number onto the beginning of each take .
3 I have found much more concern with status in industry than I expected — it 's just not so easy to identify for a newcomer .
4 Creggan recognized some , like the mallard , the tufted duck , and the moorhen , but others Kraal would have to identify for him until he knew their names : wigeon , pintail , pochard … how he envied them their freedom on the pond .
5 Or should policy concentrate more on clarifying the goals and outcomes of learning , and on providing the kind of support which will enable schools to identify for themselves the best possible ways of achieving such goals and outcomes ?
6 Students should be encouraged to identify for themselves how this information would be used and what they could get out of it .
7 I think there 's only about , well on average there 's only between thirty and forty cases erm and which they are happy to identify for us erm so we can go in and update the diary or , or do whatever .
8 As he thought this he felt in his heart a voiceless nameless twinge , like a tiny spark , which he chose to identify as a signal , which very rarely came through , from his ancestors who had lived in the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw .
9 There the station was perfectly proportioned and almost impossible to identify as a station rather than as a church , both externally and internally .
10 They did not understand , or gave no thought to , the ethnic , national and ideological conflicts that their arrangements would create within Germany , nor the internal and external targets Germany would come to identify as the causes of its misfortune .
11 The site had a feature which is difficult to identify as part of a normal villa .
12 In significant respects both differed on what a study of human society might look like , and both made strenuous and hard-won efforts to carry through their respective conceptions through argument and research into the phenomena they tried to identify as sociology 's subject matter .
13 We shall see , in fact , that the case for French sources and thus a possible Anglo-Norman bridge is most persuasive and pertinent in respect of the fabliaux in English with what we shall be able to identify as the " earliest " features : Dame Sirith and Chaucer 's Shipman 's Tale .
14 In this particular case they 're very difficult to identify as a fake .
15 Secondly , the purchaser will wish to protect itself in the sale agreement against any risks which it was unable to identify during the negotiations but which are discovered after completion and to ensure it is compensated against these by the vendor .
16 The noise of a Thompson when fired is unmistakable and its large .45 calibre bullet is easy to identify after a shooting .
17 Adult is easiest to identify of northern grey geese , with conspicuous broad white forehead ( others occasionally have narrow white band above base of bill ) and heavily barred underparts .
18 that 's one of the things we 're , we 're trying to identify of
19 Olive was n't going to admit it but she was finding it hard to identify with the Moroccans .
20 Thus the male is required to identify with other males but he is not allowed to desire them ; indeed , identification with should actually preclude desire for .
21 In the same 1975 interview Genet declares that he had no choice but to identify with oppressed blacks since he too was black .
22 Agnes asked herself , and she thought : When we thrust out into the world just as we are , we first have to identify with that particular throw of the dice , with that accident organized by the divine computer : to get over our surprise that precisely this ( what we see facing us in the mirror ) is our self .
23 And it is n't enough for us to identify with our self , it is necessary to do so passionately , to the point of life and death .
24 It calls us to identify with a Christ who through the horror of the crucifixion leads us , his people , to new life and hope .
25 People will be able to identify with Lola who is just a child without a family , trying to stay alive and fall in love .
26 It allows , to give another example , Tom Stabler 's middle juniors to identify with the Bible story of Jezebel which at a surface level was quite outside their experience .
27 The teacher is faced with the persistent problem of how to help children feel the action has started when the truth is they do not have either enough factual or empathetic resources to identify with the historical situation .
28 In terms of the analogies we have used so far , the Indian traditions are said to orbit around a different sun , or to be climbing a different mountain — or to identify with a family of monsters in the loch quite different from the one followed by the Near Eastern religions .
29 Nationalism encouraged workers to identify with their nation rather than their class , while developmentalism asked the worker to sacrifice short-term gains , such as better working conditions and remuneration , for long-term interests , on the basis that industrialisation benefits all in the long run .
30 This involves attempting to put yourself in the consumer 's shoes so as to identify with their hopes and expectations and finding ways of meeting these .
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