Example sentences of "form [art] " in BNC.

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1 ACET 's local representative , Ana Ureche , reported that she was ‘ greatly encouraged ’ that course participants had been lecturing to schools and other groups and had passed much of the literature obtained form the course to other colleagues for their use .
2 In fact , some of the paragraphs reproduced in summary form the personal rights articles of the constitution of 1922 and thus could claim to maintain the latter 's libertarian heritage .
3 Such a plea , although laudable , has little chance of becoming reality in the present organizational set-up , for it ignores the semantic difference in the uniformed ‘ polis 's ’ role and that of the 10–15 per cent of the institution who form the élite in the CID .
4 The book highlights such subjects as animism , Jewish , Christian and Hellenistic ‘ mythologies ’ ; the realities of health , sickness and death ; of nature — its seasons ( notably Spring and Winter ) and its glories , as well as its decadence ( we find no evidence for Djwa 's contention that ‘ the book moves through cycles of winter death followed by spring rebirth , ’ any more than for her ‘ structural myth ’ or ‘ controlling Orpheus myth ’ which form the foundation for her critique of the book ) ; of rationality and madness ; loneliness and intimacy ; of truth and treachery , prayer and protest ; of prophet and priest , doctors and teachers , angels and devils ; freedom and slavery , sainthood and sinning , wonder and despair , war and peace , love and loss , beauty and brutality ; regret and humour ; sensuality and discipline , joy and sadness ; of the greatness of God and his creation , and the pitiful smallness and incompetency of man ; the city and the breadth of nature itself : sea and air , rivers and countryside ; savagery and urbanity ; loss and its disappointing pangs .
5 The corner braces form the Gothic arch shape as well as keeping the whole structure rigid
6 Class 47 No 47580 County of Essex pulls away form the elegant Norwich Thrope station with the 15.20 to Liverpool Street on 22 June 1984 .
7 Such steps as glissades , chassés , pas de bourrée and so on , form the links between the steps of elevation , pirouettes and poses .
8 ln his Introduction Eliot declares roundly : ‘ Pound 's critical writings , scattered and occasional as they have been , form the least dispensible body of critical writing in our time ’ .
9 Oats , salads and baked potatoes form the basis of three daily meals .
10 Matisse and Picasso , who form the backbone of the market in ‘ classic modern ’ prints , bring sums which depend both on the actual rarity of the image and its attractiveness .
11 Sixteen drawings for this massive project form the book 's final chapter ‘ Towards the 21st Century ’ .
12 They were prepared for an unyielding defence of their two flocks of 10,000 battery hens against the Ministry of Agriculture and the 10 burly ex-miners who form the ministry 's chicken-killing squad , ever-ready to wring a feathered neck .
13 The text of the appeal court judgement , where trained judges form the majority , will not be made public until 2 November .
14 She was taken as a child from Virginia to the plains of Nebraska , whose earth and immigrant farmers form the subject of her central fiction .
15 A whole series of technical agreements were also signed ; these were placed under the auspices of the PICAO , and form the technical basis for all civil aviation .
16 The notebooks from which Formen comes form the part of Grundrisse concerned with the understanding of capitalism .
17 Dressing up , role playing and masquerade form the conceptual basis of Kahlo 's work .
18 In a sense it does n't matter if Callinicos ' defence of Marxism is registered or not by the legion of Post-isms and -ists which form the undergrowth of contemporary cultural politics .
19 Smith said : ‘ We would remove VAT form the price of a catalyst option , and would also reduce car tax by £50 on catalysed cars . ’
20 Following this the Colonel is to visit Dhekelia , where the two other subunits which form the other half of the battalion are providing security for the British Garvison .
21 The high cost of heat , light and power means that the Cassons need to seek advice form the utility companies over tariffs , rates and off-peak usage .
22 Henny Penny pressure fryers and display/holding cabinets form the centre of the package , with uniforms , menu screens and point-of-sale material also available emblazoned with the Hot'n'Tender logo .
23 Most leading ministers resigned , complaining of his dictatorial behaviour , and now form the parliamentary opposition .
24 Mr Solarz 's Brooklyn district is one of the few districts in America where Jewish voters form the majority .
25 But the ideas in it still form the core of the Russian government 's alternative economic plan .
26 Together they form the best picture of their love as Edward described it to Harry before his life at Lincoln began : ‘ For some reason or another we are happier now than ever before .
27 One might define the lines which form the cube 's sides as the shortest distances between pairs of points ; but this would not express their motive cause which Hobbes conceives them to have .
28 What experience gives us is not knowledge itself , but the ideas which form the material basis for knowledge .
29 ‘ Nearly home , ’ my wife whispered , and we emerged form the checkpoint into a dark landscape , the cold , starry sky arching above us .
30 In each case the same serious message is coming through — we are poisoning our environment , we are disrupting the interrelating ecosystems that form the background to human existence , we are endangering God 's creation .
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