Example sentences of "[unc] approach to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Byrne argues that the greater disparities in income result from a combination of a laissez faire approach to the wages of the more highly paid and a deliberate policy of ‘ driving down the wages of the lower paid ’ .
2 One of the chief reasons for its loss of support had been the protracted struggle between Prime Minister David Lange and his Finance Minister , Roger Douglas , the architect of Labour 's laissez faire approach to the economy , colloquially known as " Rogernomics " .
3 Troeltsch 's approach to the question follows the lines of a general study of the religious history of mankind .
4 Even the emphasis on the interaction between a population and its environment , so typical of Darwin 's approach to the question , was ignored by many late-nineteenth-century evolutionists .
5 It is not yet clear whether this signals a more general change in the government 's approach to the funding of education .
6 It is an indictment on the present government 's approach to the N H S.
7 Weber 's approach to the state was quite distinct from that of the Marxist tradition , although the thrust of our argument will be that it can be usefully combined with this tradition .
8 This must lead us to look at the shortcomings of the ‘ how many divisions has the Pope 's approach to the estimation of political influence .
9 One criticism of Barro 's approach to the estimation and testing of the rational expectations model is that he employs a two-stage estimation procedure and this is not statistically efficient .
10 I still do not know whether Mick 's approach to the rules , trying to get me to break them one minute , and pointing an accusing finger the next , was a friendly tease or not .
11 It testifies both to a new realism in Moscow 's approach to the country 's profound economic crisis , and acknowledgement by the Western financial community that red-blooded free market therapy can not alone provide the answer .
12 But over time Mr Premadasa 's approach to the problem changed : foreign pressure and the failure of the military solution to terrorism combined to persuade him that the army needed to be discouraged from indiscriminate killing .
13 The results formed a report which was out within a month , and which led to far-reaching changes in our company 's approach to the problem .
14 Church 's approach to the problem derived information about the lexical probability of words from existing tagged corpora and dictionaries .
15 The Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd , held a key role during Britain 's presidency of the EC and could have set the whole tone of the West 's approach to the problem .
16 However , what seems more important than the type of award is the quality of the school 's approach to the grant , whatever its size or designation .
17 It offered her managers the chance to participate in the |Management Charter Initiative 's approach to the accreditation of Prior Learning .
18 ’ Our Farming Future ’ has been widely acknowledged as a realistic and helpful statement of the Government 's approach to the challenges facing the farming industry in the 1990s .
19 In accordance with the theme of this chapter , I shall simply use ‘ stylistics ’ as a convenient label ( hence the inverted commas ) for the branch of literary studies that concentrates on the linguistic form of texts , and I shall take four different examples of this kind of work as alternatives to the Prague School 's and Jakobson 's approach to the relationship between linguistics and literature .
20 Is it Brown or Heseltine who has written the following on competition policy ( clue : its was n't Brown ) : ‘ There is a need for a new sophistication in Britain 's approach to the ownership of her industrial assets if they are not to be acquired in growing numbers by our rivals as pieces of the game of restructuring European industry . ’
21 Miller 's involvement seemed to mark a change of gear in the police 's approach to the case .
22 The shift from ‘ Burnished Sky ’ ( 1985 ) to ‘ Gentle Edge ’ 1986 ) , the first of the ‘ zig ’ paintings on show at the Hayward necessitates a reciprocal and radical adjustment in the viewer 's approach to the work in the exhibition .
23 We are of the view that the judge 's approach to the aspect of the case concerned with the Code can not be faulted .
24 C. S. Lewis 's approach to the nature of myth is very helpful to us at this point .
25 Its main sections dealt with the government 's approach to the environment ( nationally , at the European level and globally ) , the nature and effects of the greenhouse effect , environmental problems in both rural and urban areas ( especially in relation to land-use matters ) , pollution control and enhancing awareness of environmental matters .
26 HE laughs heartily , contemplating the cynicism — as he sees it — at the heart of Dublin 's approach to the Northern Ireland problem .
27 We also worked closely with other UK members of the EEB to influence our Government 's approach to the Earth Summit in Rio .
28 Thorndyke 's approach to the study of discourse interpretation was rather different from that adopted in earlier studies .
29 It is suggested that Professor Smith 's approach to the definition of menaces in the crime of blackmail is equally appropriate in this context .
30 The most obvious influence of PNP on teachers ' approach to the management of learning was the encouragement of group work .
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