Example sentences of "[modal v] apply [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such attitudes should emerge from out National Certificate work also , and should apply across the college .
2 However there there is there is I think some re there are relevant sections in in the county council document N Y eleven , which follows on which is the the county 's as I understand it rebuttal to the H B F's assumptions on erm the environmental constraints and how they should apply across the county .
3 Corbett should apply for the purpose not only of marriage but also for a charge under s. 30 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956 .
4 You should apply for the form about four months before you are due to retire .
5 Emergency laws giving wide-ranging powers of arrest and detention , first introduced in 1981 after the assassination of President Anwar el Sadat , were extended when the People 's Assembly voted on May 8 that they should apply for the period June 1 , 1991 , to May 31 , 1994 .
6 Information should relate not only to the country as a whole but should apply to the locality where the expatriate is to live and work .
7 The first relevant principle to be derived from the ticket cases in the case of contracts placed on standard terms and conditions is that , if the party whom it is sought to bind knows that there is a set of standard terms which the other party intends should apply to the contract , and he enters into the contract on this basis , he will be bound by them .
8 There is , in general , no consensus on the standards which should apply to the granting of such degrees , the course contents , or the proportion of taught course content relative to research content .
9 Students wishing to make use of parking facilities should apply to the Parking Office , Old College , and complete the application form .
10 Students wishing to make use of parking facilities should apply to the Parking Office , Old College , and complete the Application Form .
11 An RFL who wishes to remain on the register should apply to the Law Society annually by 31st October in each year for renewal of his or her registration .
12 Similar principles should apply to the treatment of differences in language behaviour between other groups .
13 I can however advise you that as of 1 May 1984 Sheriff Courts were empowered to grant divorces and in order to check whether the divorce was granted by a Sheriff Court you should apply to the Registrar General , General Search Unit , New Register House , Edinburgh as this office only holds records of divorces granted in the Court of Session .
14 There is no suggestion at present that any such standards should apply to the lifeboat services of the world , and it would be a virtually impossible task given the widely differing operating conditions , constitutions and tasks of the constituent members .
15 Mr. McAvoy : Does the Hon. Lady agree that the Scottish Consumer Council 's recommendations should apply to the movement of the management headquarters of a particular industry to another location ?
16 To have a late claim considered , a company should apply to the inspector as soon as reasonably possible in the circumstances .
17 ‘ Umpires ’ reports are , and always have been , treated as strictly confidential and after careful consideration I have concluded the same should apply to the match referee 's report .
18 For many weeks prior to the first of February we attempted to get a district council , a Labour council to agree that should apply in the case .
19 The right has had the cheek to suggest that the same iron discipline should apply in the aftermath of defeat as in the anticipation of victory .
20 SINCE life is the entire period until we die , a philosophy of life must apply to every part of a man 's life , not just the productive part .
21 Suspended lexicographers must apply to the Computer Group Manager for reinstatement .
22 The NCC must apply to the Secretary of State for designation of a Marine Nature Reserve and approval of the proposed byelaws .
23 A petitioner wishing to withdraw his petition or for it to be dismissed must apply to the court and file an affidavit in support of his application specifying the reasons why he wishes the petition withdrawn or dismissed ( r 6.32(1) ) .
24 Thus , a parent or any other person seeking a residence order in relation to a child in care must apply to the court which made the care order .
25 A local authority must apply to the court if it seeks to deny contact to a parent or any other person entitled under s34(1) or by virtue of a court order .
26 All that we are entitled to draw from structures ( 21 ) and ( 22 ) is a structural conclusion : the adjectival property must apply to the object entity by virtue of the fact that the noun phrase is an integral piece of the whole tripartite construction .
27 The same approach must apply to the fact that Price was , on the Swedish government 's case , an accomplice of the applicant , a matter upon which Mr. Newman also relied .
28 All applicants must apply on a University of Ulster application form by 31 January of the proposed year of entry ( see page 50 ) .
29 If the defendant makes a payment in without having obtained a certificate of total benefit he must apply for a certificate on the same day .
30 Before the SIB will recognize an SRO as capable of bestowing authorization upon a firm , the organization must apply for a recognition order .
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