Example sentences of "[modal v] work for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Debate focused on the question of whether the Meiji Restoration was a bourgeois revolution , albeit with remnants of feudalism persisting , in which case activists should work for a proletarian revolution ; or whether it was an incomplete bourgeois revolution , necessitating a two-stage revolution in the future .
2 Or they must work for a particular employer ( eg a local council ) , or in a similar trade or occupation ( eg taxidrivers , the police ) .
3 ‘ And ambushing might work for a long-legged frog like Ferd , but I do n't think I could leap out of a bush if I tried .
4 But although this strategy may work for a few years , there are few parishes which have the physical space for more than two or three new congregations .
5 you may work for an overseas subsidiary of a UK company ;
6 The Fairclough report suggests that suitable UK institutions could be offered Faraday Centre status , becoming foci for technologies and expertise of industrial relevance , in which graduate scientists and engineers could work for a higher degree while engaged on contract research before moving into industry .
7 Calling the election a " success " , the United Kindgom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary , Douglas Hurd , said on Sept. 16 that the UK would work for a progressive extension of democracy in Hong Kong , signalling that the UK might press China to revise the Basic Law under which the proportion of directly elected seats would gradually rise to half by 2007 .
8 We will work for a successful outcome to the GATT negotiations .
9 The United Kingdom will work for a successful United Nations Conference on Environment and Development next June .
10 Yeah but , do n't , I 'm sure there must be a lot of right people who will work for a hundred and fifty thousand .
11 Products are always tested to conform to standard specifications ( as printed in the catalogue ) , but if there are specific analytical needs , they will gladly perform custom analyses , ensuring that the product will work for a particular application .
12 We will work for a clear definition of the rights of the European citizen , and insist that these are common to all Community nationals .
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