Example sentences of "[modal v] work [adv prt] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Or or some vague question like that er for which you must work out the answers .
2 For example , if you 're copying files onto a few floppies , it 'll work out the files that will best fit into each disk .
3 Well write down the names let's have a go at , let's work out , let's work out the teams
4 By measuring the trace amounts of radioactive carbon in coral skeletons , which decays at a known rate , he could work out the ages of the corals at different depths in his boreholes .
5 From their respective sites at Stowmarket and Peterborough , Prentice and Alcock could work out the heights and paths of the dust particles by triangulation , showing that these sporadic meteors were members of the Solar System , in contradiction to the view of professional astronomers in the United States who believed that they entered from interstellar space .
6 ‘ I do n't know what form that decision will take and how they would work out the practicalities of making the generators buy more coal . ’
7 ‘ If the puzzle 's susceptible to analysis , the fuzzy logic will work out the principles involved .
8 If you 'd like to know specifically how much you personally can earn , without affecting your pension I would also suggest that you actually write to the Paymaster General 's Office will work out the amounts erm you know the figure that you 've got based on your particular circumstances .
9 ‘ No doubt Quinn will work out the details in conjunction with our people . ’
10 To this end , the analytical department is designing on-line analysers , eg on-line gas chromatography , which can analyse products and intermediates in ‘ real time ’ , and if part of the process does not attain the quality required the computer will work out the modifications needed before the process can continue .
11 Find what is WRONG in these examples then write them out correctly so that you can work out the answers .
12 and use that as a reference so you can work out the others from it instead of trying to remember the lot .
13 Nor is such a program limited to manpower analysis For instance , they can work out the consequences of various different levels of pay award .
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