Example sentences of "[modal v] result in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Your study should result in the active absorption into your mind of accumulated and recorded knowledge .
2 If severe , this may result in the diabetic lipaemia that is particularly seen in poorly controlled or newly diagnosed diabetics ( Bagdade et al , 1967 ) .
3 Failure to do so may result in the Regional Council reclaiming up to 100% of the registration , course and examination fees paid .
4 On the one hand , variations in the supply of heroin resulting from police crackdowns on dealers or occasional droughts may result in the short-term increase of take-up of detoxification facilities as users try to ‘ top up ’ the shortfall in street supplies .
5 The congestion in the nose may result in the normal breathing pattern stopping entirely during sleep ( sleep apnoea ) .
6 This may result in the reduced borrowing of irrelevant theses on the one hand , but on the other hand , information on the existence of relevant theses could result in their increased use in the communication process .
7 This may result in the offlined modules being stored on a single , immediately available , large optical disk and ten magnetic disks .
8 Such an event might result in the new government being unwilling or unable to service external debt , including bank loans , i.e. nonpayment of interest and/or the principal sum loaned .
9 The exclusion of parts of the centre " let or constructed or adapted for letting " is fair and reasonable , but quite often an exclusion will relate only to parts of the centre " not let on the same terms as this lease " which could result in the occupying tenants paying part of the service charges for unlet premises .
10 All the authorities have twenty eight days to appeal that could result in the final cap being higher , lower or staying the same .
11 Free elections , which could result in the Communist Party being reduced to playing a junior role , are seen as the only realistic way forward to end East Germany 's political and economic crisis .
12 After all , every creature is entitled to some form of recreation and though Shep 's hobby could result in the occasional heart failure it was , after all , his thing and part of him .
13 Any delay could result in the ultimate catastrophe .
14 The Finnish Parliament 's Wilderness Act , which includes plans to log some of the county 's most ancient forests , has come under attack from environmentalists who claim that it could result in the permanent destruction of the wilderness .
15 The risk that failure to agree terms could result in the outgoing partner seeking a formal dissolution of the firm on peremptory notice is one which is not worth running .
16 This could result in the blind and pleats falling at an angle to the window .
17 The THES added in an editorial that the withdrawal of CNAA recognition could result in the grave consequence of the closure of an institution in the largest conurbation in Europe without a university :
18 Sealink disagreed with the MMC's findings that reduced choice , higher fares and a poorer quality service would result in the pooled operation before the tunnel 's opening .
19 A value of 255 would result in the corresponding phosphor dot on the screen receiving maximum illumination while it would be at half brightness if the value were 127 .
20 Failure to comply with these instructions would result in the immediate death of the victim .
21 it would result in the unnecessary loss of prime quality agricultural land and
22 A large-scale labour mobility programme , it is argued , would result in the economic and social degeneration of the out-migration areas and would create economic and social costs to the in-migration areas .
23 Before any options are granted to replace those which have already been exercised and which would result in the total value of options granted to an individual under the Scheme ( including options which have been exercised ) exceeding four times his annual remuneration , the Committee will satisfy itself that the grant of such options is justified by the performance of the Company in the previous two to three years .
24 Will he contrast that excellent achievement under Conservative trade union law with the undoubted industrial chaos that would result in the unlikely event of the Labour party 's returning to government ?
25 Answering yes to this question will result in the correct stitch pattern being displayed in full colour on the screen , with an outline of the corresponding garment piece superimposed on to it .
26 A valid and known charge code will result in the following prompt : —
27 If this view is taken by the courts , bearing in mind that " service " is not defined in the Act , it will result in the appropriate terms from the Act being implied into a contract for the supply of such computer software systems .
28 In terms of the concepts outlined above we could express Marx 's views thus : the economic class of proletarians ( propertyless sellers of labour power ) will necessarily become increasingly homogeneous in respect of income levels and conditions of life and work ; this will result in the increasing ‘ non-pertinence ’ of social collectivities based on branch of industry , religion , nationality , sex etc. , and the increasing pertinence of the social collectivity coterminous with the proletariat itself ; eventually as a result of the process of struggle this social collectivity will become organised into a corporate body — the trade union movement — and a political force : the communist movement or party .
29 That just as you are making it possible to select conceptions that will result in the right sort of people , as you define them , and reject the potentially bad ones , so it would be possible to reject the good and retain the bad .
30 And what he says to us can result in the complete transformation of our lives .
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