Example sentences of "[modal v] lead [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you then discover that of your part families a high proportion consist of the wife in membership to the exclusion of the husband , this should lead to some questions being raised about your programme which is obviously proving more effective in one area than another .
2 Field studies suggest that there is a yield benefit , too , as reduced tractor wheelslip and soil compaction should lead to less damage to soil and crop .
3 It should lead to more understanding of language diversity , including multilingualism , and be closely related to pupils ' experience in their own communities , and therefore be treated with great sensitivity to pupils ' home backgrounds .
4 This must lead to some confusion in the perception of self for both girls and boys .
5 What is more , we can not even see the processes going on today that might lead to such extinctions .
6 They remark that this ‘ might lead to all rape cases being regarded less seriously . ’
7 Although the techniques for these are not available at present , recent continuing advances in the field of molecular biology and tumour suppressor gene research might lead to some benefit with gene therapy in the future .
8 Better police equipment might lead to more offences being recorded , as might an increase in police numbers , and over the last few years there has been a recruitment drive by the police .
9 The trouble with this , of course , was that it might lead to another doctor , one more competent than Donald , examining their evening meal .
10 He also expressed the fear , however , that the very widespread and intense national feeling which the war had revealed might lead in some circumstances to what he called ‘ social imperialism ’ : the imperialism of a whole people .
11 But even if judges were to exercise leniency on these infrequent occasions , it is surely far-fetched to consider that this could lead to all rape cases being treated less seriously .
12 It noted the possibility that in theory the interests of the partners might be so separated that a blanket restriction on competition would be unreasonable but rejected the contention that the mere fact of administrative departmentalisation could lead to that result .
13 Given a particular failure , the method enables us to identify the various combinations and sequences of other failures that could lead to that failure .
14 An inconclusive result could lead to several days of uncertainty , with either Mr Major or Mr Kinnock seeking to put together a government .
15 Our firms which export to the US may have to raise their American prices , which could lead to fewer sales , cuts in production and ultimately job losses .
16 Most would like to see the auditor 's period away from the audit in question extended from the proposed two years ( which , as Touche Ross says , ‘ could lead to this guidance being perceived as a cosmetic exercise' ) , but can not agree over how long .
17 This may require additional information to be recorded on requisition forms etc , or involve setting up new registers , all of which will demand extra staff time , and could lead to some resistance .
18 In this event , the effect of greater delegation could lead to some enhancement of grades or levels of staff to recognise the increased responsibilities and workload associated with delegated budgets , personnel matters etc ; commercial activities could be enhanced to increase income where possible , but not in true recognition of actual resource needs .
19 Residents fear a relocation at Hydebank could lead to another attack with massive blast damage being caused to nearby homes .
20 They also wanted some data at higher current densities , , but were nervous that increasing the amount of current could lead to another disaster — the vaporised palladium block still haunted Fleischmann — so they decided to achieve this by keeping the total currents approximately unchanged but using rods that were only 1.25 cm long instead of 10 cm , the effect being to increase the current density eightfold .
21 But yesterday Independent councillor Tony Moore , who opposed the increase , warned it could lead to more hardship .
22 But Manweb warned that the imposition of VAT , at 8pc in 1994 and at the standard rate of 17.4pc 12 months later , could lead to more disconnections .
23 But Manweb warned that the imposition of VAT , at 8pc in 1994 and at the standard rate of 17.4pc 12 months later , could lead to more disconnections .
24 Providing collection bins might appear an easy step but this could lead to more problems than it solves !
25 The loosening-up of regulations could lead to more hotels being developed in India .
26 It could lead to more schemes like the Trax project in Oxford , where young offenders get the chance to work on cars , as an alternative to stealing them .
27 ‘ The district council , however , is of the view that taking this case to court could lead to more damage to the area through adverse publicity and this would be against the interests of local people .
28 A lawyer whose client committed murder while on bail says he 's opposed to a new law which could lead to more people being remanded in custody .
29 Such measures could lead to more sales of euroissues in the US as well as enabling issuance to take place there .
30 A block of classification numbers usually appears to provide fairly precise demarcation lines ( though even here the inconsistencies of classification schemes may lead to some difficulties — undesirable elements turning up in an otherwise homogenous subject block ) .
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