Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] responsible [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 While the academics should be responsible for the academic inputs to the total education and training process , the members must accept responsibility for providing suitable training for , and devising , administering and adjudicating on a proper and sufficient Test of Professional Competence .
2 Land Trusts , he thought , should be responsible for the proper exploitation of resources and would need to pay attention to the human and social needs of everyone living in the area .
3 At the same time , Photographic Department should be responsible for the creation , maintenance and growth of a permanent reference slide collection in suitable storage conditions .
4 A landlord should be responsible for the manner in which work at its instigation should be carried out and there is no reason why a tenant should suffer as a result of defects appearing within a reasonable time thereafter .
5 When the Labour party issued a statement of post-war aims in 1943 ( The Colonies : the Labour Party 's post-war policy for the African and Pacific colonies ) , it affirmed : ‘ For a considerable time to come these peoples will not be ready for self-government , and European peoples and States must be responsible for the administration of their territories . ’
6 FRANK SIDEBOTTOM , the man whose papier-mache head must be responsible for the loss of quite a fair amount of small coniferous growths , now has his own show .
7 The claim is that because of this feature of the fossil record the major features of evolution , the sort of trends that you see over hundreds of millions of years , are not merely a kind of adding together of the changes which go on by natural selection within populations and which we can study today , but that some quite different kind of process must be responsible for the major features of evolution , other than natural selection of variants within populations .
8 Generalization to both test stimuli thus has its origin in a common source ( the associative strength acquired by stimulus A during aversive conditioning ) , eliminating the possibility , inherent in the between-group comparison made for the results in Fig. 5.6 , that differences in the associative strength of stimulus A might be responsible for the outcome .
9 Deletion of P might be responsible for the mild hypopigmentation usually found in Prader-Willi ( PWS ) and Angleman ( AS ) patients with 15q11-q13 deletions ( see ref. 8 for review ) .
10 This allowed the identification of a humoral mediator which might be responsible for the motility changes .
11 Time to remember why she was here , she decided firmly , as she banished any crazy light-headed notion that Ven might be responsible for the way her heart fluttered when , looking at him , she found that his eyes were still on her .
12 The newt , the Clawed Frog , or the Knifefish could be responsible for the disappearances .
13 He had already begun to wonder if fusion could be responsible for the helium production when he discovered the Soviet paper on helium in metals — the same paper that the Indians had read .
14 This suggests accumulation of bFGF to the ulcer area to form a reservoir of bFGF that could be responsible for the enhancement of angiogenesis and mucosal growth ( increased DNA and RNA ) in the ulcer margin seen in rats treated with the combination of bFGF plus sucralfate .
15 But the latest revelations suggest that any number of culprits could be responsible for the Royal bugging , ranging from the security services , journalists and even members of the royal family .
16 But the latest revelations suggest that any number of culprits could be responsible for the Royal bugging , ranging from the security services , journalists and even members of the royal family .
17 A SENIOR Strathclyde region official said yesterday that infant malnutrition and genetic factors could be responsible for the high numbers of Asian and black children being placed in special schools in the region .
18 Likewise , the financiers could be responsible to the company if they actively induce executives of the company to breach their contracts of employment , by encouraging them , for example , to release confidential information .
19 I had to sign a paper saying I 'd be responsible for the arrears .
20 Apart from gonococcal infection , certain other bacteria are sometimes found in the urethra and may be responsible for the signs and symptoms of NGU .
21 Therefore , HDL may be responsible for the return of cholesterol from the periphery to the liver where mature HDL particles are recognised by hepatocyte receptors , leading to uptake and finally degradation for biliary excretion of cholesterol ( Tall & Small , 1978 ) .
22 The Rusey complex ( Q ) disappears beneath Permo-Triassic cover at the Exe valley ; aeromagnetic trends suggest its leading edge may be responsible for the South Dorset — Isle of Wight disturbances further east .
23 It seems a pity that investigators have relied almost entirely on traditional IQ tests , which can be affected by impulsivity and other personality factors related to hyperactivity ; it is quite possible that the effects of lead on hyperactivity may be responsible for the apparent loss of IQ , even if we acknowledge a causal influence of lead on hyperactivity .
24 In other families the mother may be responsible for the discipline and management of the house and feel she can never have fun with the child and that father seems to have all the nice times .
25 Mutations in several Pax genes lead to severe developmental abnormalities : ( 1 ) a mutation in the paired box of murine Pax-1 leads to the undulated phenotype which exhibits distortions of the vertebral column ; ( 2 ) a mutation in the Pax-6 gene leads to the semidominant Small eye phenotype in mouse and a mutation in the putative human homologue of this gene may be responsible for the aniridia disorder ; ( 3 ) mutations in the putative human homologue to Pax-3 ( HuP2 ) occasionally lead to hearing loss associated with Waardenburg 's syndrome , whereas in mouse a deletion in Pax-3 causes the splotch phenotype which is associated with spina bifida , exencephaly , a tail flexion defect and deficiencies in neural crest cell derivatives .
26 It is so much easier to prescribe a pill than to change the social conditions that may be responsible for the severity of the symptoms .
27 This relationship does suggest that the syndrome of class-differentiated response styles ( and the related question of class-differentiated norms of feminine domesticity ) may be responsible for the difference in mentions of the housewife role by class .
28 To attribute any subsequent pathology in the child to that single event would be misleading , for it is but one link in a chain of traumata , any one of which — or , more likely , the sum total of all — may be responsible for the child 's condition .
29 Indeed , the fact that performance varied between the two logical items suggests that factors other than the physical/psychological/logical distinction may be responsible for the variations in performance .
30 Donald Goodenough , in his scholarly review of the very technical evidence on this issue comparing the recall of dreams by different personality types , comes to the conclusion that while repression may be responsible for the forgetting of some dreams , it is not feasible that it could account for the majority .
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