Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] at [art] top " in BNC.

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1 The Trap somehow appeared at the easiest end of the HVS graded list ; it should be at the top !
2 Course outline I think we 're all agreed , should be at the top er , that is important we 've now agreed a heading and comment we 've got a e enough agreement that says that , it will be just called comment , but guidelines will need to be produced to go to staff erm
3 He did not believe that council reform should be at the top of the list of problems to be dealt with in Scotland .
4 But of course , one of these days you 'll be at the top of the school wo n't
5 After the two had left , Thomas confided to Thornton that he found it quite extraordinary that these two people , who were so naive and inexperienced , could be at the top of what was supposed to be a concrete business proposal .
6 that , that , as a result of that we could be , Leicester City could be at the top of the first division , I know the Chairman follows the Philbert Street Foxes , I would hope that this chamber will support the Leicestershire foxes when it 's time to take our vote .
7 A person of ‘ quality ’ — such as a member of the landed gentry or the clergy — would be at the top of their scale , commanding a funeral similar to that organized by the College of Arms for a knight bachelor , with paupers and wayfarers coming in at the bottom .
8 She had one advantage over him ; he had only a general idea of which shops would interest Garry and his ‘ Mrs Smith ’ , but Claudia knew Dana would make straight for the most exclusive dress shops , and luckily Claudia had a very good idea which one would be at the top of her list .
9 Erm the views of the er of the subcommittee are that that this does appear to be er perhaps a practical solution er and at the moment , er we are looking to erm make some of the spaces , certainly in the Church Street car park erm short term , I E two hours , certainly so the people who are who are making shopping visits , or visits to the banks et cetera would get the lower car park and the the people who are staying for a longer time would be at the top .
10 When I write my diary for the year my starter course at the Fermette Marboeuf will be at the top of my list of outstanding dishes .
11 Borders can be at the top , middle or bottom of a wall .
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