Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] to use [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You may prefer to use a flannel to clean this area , as this will afford greater control .
2 In cold weather male golfers may prefer to use a ladies ' ball because it will have similar feel to that of a 90 compression ball in normal temperatures .
3 If they are doing purely local journeys , then that may be too much and they may prefer to use the Oxford ringroad , but if they are doing long-distance journeys ten miles is not a very significant addition to their journey in length and the congestion on the Oxford ringroad is such that it may actually be shorter in time terms to go the longer way round in distance .
4 However , traders may prefer to use the futures market to exploit information which relates to the economy in general ( systematic information ) rather than to particular companies .
5 If you want decorative timber panels on the ceiling , you may need to use a fire retarding paint or varnish on the surface , although this is not usually necessary in most homes .
6 ‘ A most dramatic turn of events ! ’ he began and then , becoming aware of Madame Gauthier 's fiercely disapproving frown , he gave a conciliatory bow and said , with a meaning glance in Dora 's direction , ‘ If Madame will permit , I should like to use the salon for a few more minutes . ’
7 Oh that 's erm ah yes , I should try to use the calculator if I could find it on the machine !
8 None is stated in the sub-section , but it is assumed that the accused must intend to use the article in the course of or in connection with the burglary , theft or cheat , and he must know that he has the article with him .
9 For the Liberal Democrats , Mr David Steel said : ‘ The feelings of people at what happened last night really vary from unease to repugnance that a British government should stoop to use a device which we have consistently condemned in others — namely the knock on the door in the middle of the night . ’
10 ‘ Then you 'll want to use the facilities . ’
11 There are several reasons why you might want to use a data compression utility ; the main two are for the purposes of backup , or for sending files to someone else , either on a disk or via a modem .
12 I mention this for those who might want to use the circuit in other applications .
13 ( 6.7 ) unc ( 6.8 ) unc The law for PAR takes into account the fact that , when a declaration is moved outside the constructor , the process that uses it must now declare the fact that it might want to use the variable declared .
14 Many might seek to use the asylum route and , indeed , it would be naive to think otherwise .
15 To get this information , you 'll need to use the column on the right .
16 You 'll need to use the claw when you pick one of the big pawpaws .
17 For example , a boycott of mail to a foreign country adversely affects all persons who might wish to use the mail service to that country .
18 You can soak off old glue in water , but you may have to chisel or sand away modern adhesives and you 'll have to use a chisel to clean out the mortise .
19 We 'll have to use the biscuits as spoons , I 'm afraid .
20 I suppose I 'll have to use the kitchen , ’ she added , thinking out loud now , ‘ but we could work out some kind of rota .
21 ‘ You 'll have to use the resources you 've got , ’ said Garvin ; and smiled ambiguously .
22 You have ties obviously to hold certain things in and if you 've only got a van with a a third full you 'll have to use the ties because there 's space left over .
23 Can you think of any more situations that you might have to use an excuse ?
24 We 'd like to use the Minaret
25 ‘ So I 'd like to use the art world to put my next album together and to possibly fund a tour .
26 If I really had to spend a long time hurting someone slowly , I 'd have to use a blindfold : them or me , one of us would have to have their eyes hidden .
27 If you 'd care to use the extension plug by your desk no doubt the Estate Office will connect you .
28 But the Guider and all the Pack learned later on about her meeting with the stranger on the seat , because at the next Pack Meeting the Guider read out a letter from Mr. Bishop , the estate agent , which said the Earl of Ferngrove had given special instructions that the Brownie Guide Pack could continue to use the Park whenever they wished , as he was quite satisfied , thanks to a chat he 'd had with one of them , that they were very careful not to leave litter about in the Park .
29 It is recommended that the offline manager introduces new media items when the offline system is not running , since LIFESPAN may attempt to use the media item as soon as it knows about it .
30 Men may wish to use a jacket for one piece and only a sweater for the other .
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