Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] itself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The guiding principle of the Okapi research is that the system must adapt itself to the user rather than the converse .
2 The Coalition took the view that the Assembly should regard itself as a conference to renegotiate the constitutional settlement embodied in the Constitution Act .
3 Adenauer 's view was that West Germany must tie itself to the Atlantic Alliance in order to ensure Western support against Russia .
4 He thought later — ‘ When I could think , ’ he said — that it was as if the soul knew that it must surrender itself into the Lad 's hands , to do with as he wished .
5 Lord Denning as Master of the Rolls fought long and hard to persuade his colleagues that the Court of Appeal should free itself from the fetter of being bound by its own previous decisions just as the House of Lords had done in the 1966 Practice Statement ( see below ) , and also suggested that the Court of Appeal was free to refuse to follow decisions of the House of Lords which were considered to be clearly wrong ( Carty , 1983 ) .
6 For example , one article , entitled ‘ Strategy — the way forward ’ , discussed whether the party should have a secret/clandestine leadership , which would be a ‘ revolutionary elite cadre ’ , or whether , as Vanguard advocated , the National Front should present itself as a ‘ democratic , electoral/community party ’ ( January 1987 ) .
7 The fiduciary relationship , if it is to exist at all , must accommodate itself to the terms of the contract so that it is consistent with , and conforms to , them .
8 Immediately following on the principle that it must establish an effective intelligence system , he placed the further principle that it must provide itself with a legal system adequate for the needs of the moment .
9 The basic argument was that traditional conservatism should re-establish itself by an uncompromising opposition to liberalism and socialism and by combating the supposed international Jewish conspiracy whose sole purpose was the undermining of the British Empire .
10 The package module must contain itself as a SELECTED version , and the issue number must match the last entry in the MODIFICATION-RECORDS-ARE field .
11 The only alternative was that Poland should maintain itself as an ‘ ethnographic monument without political significance ’ .
12 Note that you may only select approved versions for successful approval ( except for the package module which must select itself at the same issue ) or
13 BRITAIN must brace itself for an even more violent wave of IRA attacks , RUC Chief Constable Sir Hugh Annesley warned last night .
14 The short period of large blue shift should manifest itself as a burst of high frequency photons ( Figure 2 ) .
15 That is why I believe the time has come when Labour should commit itself to a Bill of Rights based on the European Convention of Human Rights .
16 President Vytautas Landsbergis of Lithuania warned on May 18 , in an address to the Lithuanian Supreme Council , that the republic should brace itself for a renewed clampdown by Soviet armed forces in the light of " armed provocations " along the republic 's borders .
17 At the end of the nineteen twenties the policy from Moscow , not just to the Chinese Communist Party but actually to communist parties all over the world swings dramatically to the left and Stalin is arguing that there 's , there are going to be revolutionary explosions all over the world the Communist Party must forge its own path , it must put itself at the head of these struggles , it must give a lead to the masses by launching insurrections and so on and so forth .
18 A historical theory must validate itself against a future whose demand , ultimately , is the redemption of the democratic claim buried within the long struggles for and by ‘ the people ’
19 Inexperienced as I was in counselling , I nevertheless felt it essential that the school should offer itself as a support agency through which parents could find their way into the numerous services provided by the state , by the local authority and by voluntary organisations .
20 This does not mean that the governing body should involve itself in the day-to-day running of the school .
21 In framing its monetary policy , a government must address itself to a number of important questions :
22 First , it must address itself in a relevant fashion to the kind of issues identified above , that is , it must be grounded in the moral social , economic and political problems of the late twentieth century , in contrast to our prevailing political and constitutional orthodoxies which originated in , and address themselves almost exclusively to mid-nineteenth century concerns .
23 Such a policy should commend itself to the Government and my constituents , and I will be perplexed if it is not accepted today .
24 A sociology of culture must concern itself with the institutions and formations of cultural production , for this is one of the most distinct of its fields .
25 I remember Billy Graham saying at Earls Court back in 1966 that the Christian Church in England should organise itself like the Communist Party : by forming active and multiplying cells , fixing a timetable , planning a strategy and working it through .
26 This may show itself by an improvement in the child 's behaviour or in the resolution of some lingering problem , such as the slight cough or persistently runny nose .
27 It may show itself in the formation of groups with a hierarchical power structure , or as an outwardly driving force , such as is found in a hunting group .
28 Or a ready-made team may present itself with a management buy-out , buy-in or acquisition .
29 Whereas the left might base itself on the thoughts of Karl Marx , the libertarians look back to Adam Smith and an extreme ideology of laissez-faire capitalism .
30 Very often , puberty for example , that depression will become more enhanced , so it might present itself as a problem that seems to be rising out of puberty , but as time goes on and through school help that does n't seem to be resolving that problem , I think that 's the point at which the specialist within the school , the teacher within the school , must think about , ‘ This does n't seem to be resolving itself .
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