Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] been expect [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Judging by the problems caused by regional specialization when an area 's specialism went into decline , this shift might have been expected to lessen the degree of uneven development .
2 The collapse of the Keating empire , and the destruction of much of Kuwait city by the occupying Iraqis , might have been expected to dim Kuwaiti interest in hotel development in Phoenix .
3 Merckx was known as ‘ the cannibal ’ , so often did he scoop up the prizes , even in minor events when he might have been expected to allow minor or local riders to have their day .
4 The subject of modern poetry coming up , which it might have been expected to do , D'Arcy put forward the view that the best of the younger poets was Louis MacNeice , because he had had a classical education .
5 Whether she realized that the French alliance of 1548 was exceedingly fragile , entered into faute de mieux , or whether she assumed that it had a solidity which almost three centuries might have been expected to give it , is not clear .
6 It is clear , for example , that there are still striking regional variations in the use of custodial remands , in spite of the Bail Act 's attempt to structure the decision-making process , which might have been expected to iron out some of the more extreme disparities .
7 Branson was told that in the week in which the Sex Pistols might have been expected to reach number one the BPI had issued an extraordinary secret directive to the British Market Research Bureau , who compiled the charts , that all chart-return shops connected with record companies should be dropped from the weekly census of best-selling records .
8 Even the independent bookmakers , who might have been expected to welcome the opportunity to extend their hours , were largely against the reform .
9 He was reminded of his right of silence by being cautioned on two occasions within a short time of his arrival and , acting on the advice of his attorney , he remained silent when he might have been expected to explain that the shooting had been due to an accident .
10 Where goodwill still has to be valued in relation to payments to outgoing partners , one of two bases is likely to be used : ( 1 ) excess profits , that is to say the amount by which an outgoing partner 's profit share exceeded ( a ) what he might have been expected to earn as an employed solicitor , and ( b ) the income he might have been expected to receive from investing his capital contributions in safe securities ; or , and much more frequently , ( 2 ) the average net profits of the partner concerned .
11 Qly Ab Return ; quarterly abnormal return ( per cent ) , this represents the difference between what the share might have been expected to earn over the previous quarter given its beta value and the risk free rate of return , and the return of the market over the same period ( ; where the expected return is equal to ) .
12 Where goodwill still has to be valued in relation to payments to outgoing partners , one of two bases is likely to be used : ( 1 ) excess profits , that is to say the amount by which an outgoing partner 's profit share exceeded ( a ) what he might have been expected to earn as an employed solicitor , and ( b ) the income he might have been expected to receive from investing his capital contributions in safe securities ; or , and much more frequently , ( 2 ) the average net profits of the partner concerned .
13 Within the small towns , apparently independent bath-houses are more common than might have been expected given the general level of amenity provision ( fig. 5 D–H ) .
14 In fact the population of Great Britain only increased by about four millions during the inter-war years , about half the level of growth which might have been expected had the rate of growth of the late nineteenth century continued .
15 Comparative sociology is supposed to be the attempt to generate universal propositions on the basis of systematic comparisons of a variety of different societies , and so it might have been expected to stimulate thinking about the global system .
16 She was , in fact , somewhat ashamed that Edna was witness to so many things which , coming from a large , poor but loving family , must surely be incomprehensible to the girl : Liza 's aversion to picking up her child , never attempting to play with Celia , her obvious relief when Edna performed such tasks which any normal mother might have been expected to undertake willingly .
17 The planters might have been expected to see that slavery in the West Indies was wastefully debilitating , for the slaves died so fast that new ones had continuously to be brought in .
18 All are lowland species whose ancestors probably inhabited lowland forests and steppe ; curiously absent from the polar tundra are montane mammals of the subpolar fringe , for example Dall ( Figure 3.14 ) and snow sheep , marmots , pikas , and upland ( Siberian and red-backed ) voles , which might have been expected to take readily to life on the low tundra ( Chernov , 1985 ) .
19 Mergers are usually disturbing to employees and managers alike , and a merger of nearly 600 undertakings might have been expected to create more pain than most .
20 Mr Yeltsin , who in normal circumstances might have been expected to restrain the Russian nationalists , is fighting for political survival against a Congress of People 's Deputies highly critical of his economic reforms .
21 The increased expression of the colon antigen on target cells by IFN-γ treatment might have been expected to enhance anticolon ADCC activity , but there was no significant difference in the colon antigen expression tested by anticolon antibody positive serum samples between the IFN-γ treated and untreated target cells .
22 The Army in their Heads of Proposals offered the King terms which he might have been expected to find much more acceptable .
23 The STA as a whole was left with debts totalling £6,260 in the 1870s , and " the greater part of this sum was absorbed by the members of the Edinburgh branch … [ who ] above all others might have been expected to stand by the office-bearers till the debt was at least liquidated " .
24 True , she went to bed late , and was often at her desk until four a.m. , and so might have been expected to rise well after midday , and luxuriate over breakfast before beginning her day 's work at one in the afternoon .
25 The AS presumably indicates Andrew Stavanger , and the TMJ will be his secretary , or one of the typing staff And it reads sensibly enough — it is just the sort of letter that he might have been expected to write if he got back to his office late and were told that you had been trying to get in touch with him .
26 These authorities accepted powers that strengthened local or regional elected authorities might have been expected to obtain .
27 Their presence contrasts with the order which might have been expected to prevail but which they have somehow displaced .
28 This might have been expected to mitigate fear of death ; unfortunately , with the general decay of faith towards the end of the century , it was not only terror of hell that was declining , but also hope of immortality .
29 Though those parents who were able to escape to England might have been expected to accept immediate responsibility for their offspring , this was often not practicable .
30 The popularity of Taylor 's devotional books , his sufferings for the Church , his piety , engaging manner , and contacts in influential Royalist circles might have been expected to qualify him for high preferment in the restored Church in 1660 .
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