Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] a considerable [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Schools which operate option choices in years four and five and the sixth form may experience a considerable fluctuation in demand between courses which may not be reflected in pre-set department allocations .
2 For under conditions of largely unrestricted discretion , factors such as the character , attitude , training and social background of sentencers may make a considerable difference to the way their discretion is exercised .
3 Here the amount of uplift computed from the reflectance values may include a considerable fraction which can be attributed to removal of Carboniferous overburden in Hercynian times .
4 But to answer it , I must make a considerable digression , to say something about how we get such beliefs by observation .
5 Given philosophy 's interest in the foundations of human knowledge it is not surprising that it should spend a considerable amount of its concern with science , the form of human knowledge which has achieved so much .
6 With slick efficiency successive Conservative administrations have used teacher unrest ( for which they must take a considerable share of responsibility ) as a justification for taking an even firmer control of the whole education service .
7 Apart from the lithological details of the rock , the height of the cliff must have a considerable effect on the rate at which it weathers back .
8 I think the whole nature of artistic practice is that the artist must have a considerable amount of freedom .
9 The immediate family and the experiences of family living must play a considerable role .
10 In many districts it is impossible to distinguish exactly the contribution of winter-lets to homelessness , but they must add a considerable degree of uncertainty to housing demand in any given rural location , particularly in attractive holiday areas .
11 ‘ You 'll need a considerable sum yet to complete this project .
12 Even without a Commons majority , Labour 's Jack Straw could make a considerable mark .
13 Since a rise in interest rates can cause quite a severe fall in the price of bonds , banks could make a considerable capital loss if they were forced to sell them at such times .
14 It will be especially meaningful for those who may be able to make a very limited financial offering , but who could make a considerable offering of time and skill .
15 The torpid staff inside showed no inclination to outpace your average snail until I mentioned that the dog could contain a considerable volume of food and was suffering from a severe dose of Delhi Belly .
16 In March 1975 , a brief concern ( shown to be unfounded one month later ) that the use of oxidizing catalysts on vehicles was encouraging the production of sulphates which could pose a considerable threat to public health led the EPA to suspend the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emission standard deadlines for one year .
17 Is the Minister aware that feeling within the industry and the related sales industry is that if the VAT gap between this country and Ireland and between this country and France is not narrowed significantly we could lose a considerable part of our breeding industry and our entire sales industry , which are the most prestigious in the world ?
18 If childbearing were restricted to ages 20–34 , the consequent five per cent reduction in child mortality would have little aggregate effect in countries of the Caribbean region and some in East Asia , where mortality is comparatively low , but at rates of 250 and more child deaths per 1,000 population aged 0–4 years , as in several countries of the Africa and Indean Ocean regions , this could represent a considerable number of deaths averted .
19 A look of horror , embarrassment , alarm , or pity may create a considerable barrier to the development of a productive , otherwise mutually-rewarding relationship .
20 In other groups subsidiaries or divisions may have a considerable degree of autonomy in operational matters ; in these cases the role of the parent board is that of an allocator of capital , rewarding successful operating units with funds for expansion and curtailing or restructuring the activities of those whose performance is weak .
21 25% to 50%When there is also a majority shareholder , has ‘ negative ’ influence which may give bargaining power through the ability to block special resolutions ; where the holding is the single largest shareholding may have a considerable degree of control
22 The exact numbers of animals caught in nets are unknown , but available statistics show incidental captures to be widespread throughout the region , and these mortalities may have a considerable effect on local populations .
23 For countries , like the UK , which rely heavily on imported raw materials and foodstuffs , a rise in the price of imports may have a considerable effect on the domestic inflation rate .
24 How such choices are resolved may have a considerable effect on the efficiency of the method .
25 It is important that you negotiate with a man you trust as he has to agree to practise safer sex from test to pregnancy — which may take a considerable time .
26 Since this may take a considerable time , speakers typically begin to speak before they have completed all the necessary planning for a particular speech cycle .
27 For large systems application of indexes to module and DC related tables may take a considerable amount of time .
28 Perhaps the alteration appears slight , no more than cosmetic , but it would make a considerable difference to defensive attitudes , especially in Britain , without undermining the spirit of the offside law .
29 The PS is trying to draw the ecologists into a pact and this would make a considerable difference to the outcome .
30 By then , however , it was clear no matter how much the fact was denied by the conservative group that the schema would demonstrate a considerable development in the Church 's teaching on marriage .
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