Example sentences of "[be] replaced by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 About 1868 a new school was built but this has now been replaced by a modern and forward thinking school for five to eleven year olds .
2 The original school has been replaced by a modern one with spacious play areas , and the old one has been converted into a home for the elderly .
3 Also in the Corinthian Order , it has an almost intact peristyle of 20 columns but the entablature has been replaced by a modern roof .
4 The rest of the ground floor , occupying the Victorian extension of the main block , converted satisfactorily into a garage , boiler room and tankroom for oil storage once the existing timber floor of this section had been replaced by a concrete slab .
5 This evolutionary model has subsequently been replaced by a relativistic one ; this maintains that ‘ an observer should be careful to evaluate a culture first in terms of its own values , goals , and focuses before venturing to compare it ( either positively or negatively ) with any other culture ’ ( Kraft 1979:49 ) .
6 The bandage round her head had been replaced by a small dressing above one eyebrow .
7 On June 23 Air Marshal Anant Kalinta had been replaced by a civil servant as chairman of the state-owned Communications Authority of Thailand .
8 Seb could see the growing knot of men and the light of their torches , but now the shouting had ceased and had been replaced by a low , angry murmur .
9 system , there was a circular hole with red glass in the right hand one , the large oil lantern used at Gravesend , having been replaced by a hinged opening vent .
10 His other arm had been replaced by a damascened prosthetic of plasteel and servomotors .
11 They have been replaced by a Labour leadership keen to blame many of their problems at the Government 's door .
12 I have observed that this species can breed at sizes of little more than 1″ , but I have only seen this happen where a larger adult in my colony has died and been replaced by a young fish .
13 His memory of her , which for years , a traitor to grief and to their love , he had resolutely tried to suppress because the pain had seemed unbearable , had gradually been replaced by a boyish , romantic dream of gentleness and beauty now fixed for ever beyond the depredation of time .
14 The lip-to-lip contact had been replaced by a polite peck on the cheek and the royal couple behaved more like acquaintances than lovers .
15 Set up B shows an alternative lighting arrangement in which the floodlamp has been replaced by a simple reflector .
16 The extent to which he had refined and condensed his drawing style can be seen by comparing an early self-portrait in the Fitzwilliam Museum , Cambridge with that produced in 1946 ( Plate 11 ) ; the repeated , searching strokes in the former have been replaced by a confident , knowing accuracy of statement , producing a stylised likeness , brittle and poignantly self-contained .
17 Those applications have now disappeared but have been replaced by a wide range of others which utilize the material 's excellent weatherability , clarity and surface hardness — for example , automotive rear lights , lighting fittings and drawing instruments , produced by injection moulding ; and sheet and profiles , mainly for the sign , lighting and building industries , produced by extrusion .
18 They suggest that social classes have been replaced by a continuous hierarchy of unequal positions .
19 - You notice that the section of your local supermarket which has stocked picnic and barbecue material since the birth of time has suddenly disappeared and been replaced by a new section stocking wrapping paper , crackers and tinsel decorations .
20 It has now been replaced by a new colonnade .
21 The Tramway Engineer , Mr. Freddie Field , was responsible for the display , and his centre-piece was the creation of an illuminated Venetian Gondola from the remains of car 28 , which had been replaced by a new Standard car of the same number .
22 In each individual at any moment during the period of change , a similar proportion of the copies of a gene family will have been replaced by a new variant copy .
23 Most previous tax allowances have disappeared ( the single person 's allowance , wife 's earned income allowance and married man 's allowance ) and have been replaced by a new personal allowance and a new married couple 's allowance .
24 But the corrupt version has been replaced by a new , authorised kind of graft : jobs and influence in exchange for political support .
25 In line with the peace treaty , however , both should have been replaced by a new national civil police force , and the FMLN claimed that the government had deliberately withheld the necessary resources for this to be accomplished .
26 Although the credits had finished , and the picture had been replaced by a robotic continuity announcer , Cheryl 's expression had not changed .
27 Among the tortoises and turtles , the overlapping scales have been replaced by a large , thick armoured box of horn .
28 The frantic animation , the barely-suppressed hysteria , had been replaced by a languid , dopey calm .
29 The athletic arrogant and handsome monarch of 1977 had been replaced by a sick , befuddled man who had no idea what was happening .
30 English Estates was given increased funds for extending its workshop programme , and a simpler government grant system was introduced : the three existing grants have been replaced by a single ‘ city grant ’ with simpler application procedures .
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