Example sentences of "[be] lying [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And finally , erm again we 've been told that you either not remembering or you 're lying about the trousers .
2 They 're lying on the floor and there 's blood everywhere , broken glass .
3 I come in for me rosin and you 're lying on the ground .
4 Could I ask you a personal question , if it 's not too rude — what do you think about when you 're lying in the bath ?
5 I am lying in the grass dazed by the sun and the busy ants , by the myriad humming galore of a river on a summer afternoon .
6 So this kind of erm interest in children and in whether a couple are able to have children or not is has obviously been lying at the back of his mind has n't he ?
7 Damn him if she would explain that the young man to whom he 'd referred had merely been a fellow Briton attending a conference on international computing , that they 'd exchanged nothing more than a few polite comments natural to fellow compatriots abroad , and that his arm had been lying across the back of the bench seats and not round her shoulders .
8 It is strange therefore that the signal box instruments revealed it as clear , the signal must have been at green , or had a heavy weight been lying across the signal wire ?
9 I 've been lying on the bed .
10 I 've been lying on the bed with G.P. 's picture beside me .
11 It had been lying on the ground ( referent-the paper ) .
12 ‘ The assassin must have been lying on the ground or Father standing on some steps ?
13 The train had halted for a full five minutes on the western side of West Acton and all that time Dean had been lying on the roof in the rain .
14 Jack and Dieter had stated quite clearly that Alain Gebrec had been lying on the rocks below the belvedere .
15 A group of them , maybe as many as half a dozen , will slowly get to their feet from where they have been lying with the rest of the pride and , leaving the cubs and the males behind , walk off in a fashion which , although leisurely , has a grimly purposeful air .
16 Imagine my disappointment when I staggered down a hill in murky twilight after its purchase to find that not only had it been lying in the back seat of the car for the duration of my climb , but that it had failed to come up and get me when the daylight failed .
17 It gave her great qualms that it had been lying in the hall since the morning 's post , as if it had an atmosphere capable of permeating the whole house .
18 She picked up a little knife which had been lying in the lap of one of the dolls .
19 I felt a strong feeling of nausea as I realised that I had put my hand through the chest of a dead British soldier that could have been lying in the ditch for several days .
20 ‘ It must have been lying in the ferns and took fright when I came along . ’
21 The hammer had been lying in the garden and Youngs had just picked it up .
22 This applies particularly to ‘ wilderness ’ states such as Montana where large quantities of cobalt and platinum are lying under the ground .
23 WHEN actors say they are ‘ resting ’ it does n't necessarily mean that they are lying on the sofa all day waiting for the phone to ring .
24 As you are lying with the books under your head , bring your feet as near to your buttocks as is comfortably possible so that your knees are pointing to the ceiling .
25 The remains of the old Motherwell car are lying in the inspection pit underneath !
26 Normally when you start water-skiing , you are lying in the water with your skis up in the air and the boat goes slowly away and you slowly come up , but this was like being catapulted into the water .
27 They are lying in the marsh grass on the edge of Lonesome Snapper Pond .
28 ‘ While the bodies are lying in the open , blocks of ice are being placed on them . ’
29 Imagine you are lying in the sunshine on a warm beach in Tahiti .
30 As the 10% not recovered would now be worth £2½ million , a fortune in diamonds may be lying under the tarmac of Prestwick Airport 's main runway .
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