Example sentences of "[be] elected for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was expected to provide for a President and National Assembly , to be elected for a five-year term under a multiparty system , with the President eligible for re-election once only .
2 The draft proposed that the chief executive ( a position comparable with that of the current Governor ) be elected for a five-year term by an 800-member " broadly represented " election committee .
3 The new Constitution restores the name Republic of Afghanistan , and provides for an executive President and a bicameral National Assembly , the lower house of which would be elected for a five-year term , with the upper house being partly elected and partly appointed .
4 It provided for an executive President and a bicameral National Assembly , the lower house of which would be elected for a five-year term , with the upper house being partly elected and partly appointed .
5 Under the terms of the bill the future president and vice-president would be elected for a five-year term by a simple majority of the Assembly .
6 Aylwin , however , stated that he did not wish to accept such an offer , nor did he feel that it was justified , given that he had agreed to be elected for a four-year period and that to alter the term of office ( by amending the Constitution ) " would be to change the rules of play of our democratic co-existence " .
7 Of the Assembly 's members 500 are from the legislative House of Representatives ( Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat , to which 400 were elected for a five-year term by direct universal adult suffrage in April 1987 [ see p. 35326 ] ; the remaining 100 were appointed by the President .
8 It 's now fifteen months since the Tories were elected for a fourth term and what 've we seen since that election ?
9 In the Kingdom of Denmark legislative authority is vested jointly in the monarch , currently Queen Margrethe II , and in a unicameral parliament ( Folketing ) , whose 179 members are elected for a four-year term .
10 Legislative power is vested in the 72-member unicameral National Congress , 12 of whose members are elected for a four-year term on a national basis and the remainder , whose seats are renewable after two years , on a provincial basis .
11 In the Kingdom of Denmark legislative authority is vested jointly in the monarch and in a unicameral parliament ( Folketing ) , the 179 members of which are elected for a four-year term .
12 Both houses are elected for a four-year term , the Second Chamber directly , by proportional representation , the First Chamber the directly elected members of the provincial councils .
13 Legislative power is vested in the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Federalni Shromazdeni ) , which consists of a 200-member Chamber of the People ( Snemovna Lidu ) and a 150-member Chamber of the Nations ( Snemovna Narodu ) , both of which are elected for a five-year term .
14 There is a 48-member Citizens ' Assembly ( Majlis ) , 40 of whose members are elected for a five-year term ; the remaining eight are appointed by the President .
15 Legislative power is vested in the unicameral House of Representatives , whose 97 members are elected for a three-year term .
16 Since a Conservative government has been elected for a fourth term these developments will probably continue .
17 Demirel had previously pledged to remove President Özal from power , but on Oct. 24 , possibly influenced by the narrowness of his party 's victory over the ANAP , he declared that Özal might continue as President — an office to which he had been elected for a seven-year term in October 1989 .
18 It quickly emerged that a good deal of potential support was coming from those Conservative Members who had been elected for the first time .
19 The biggest change has come within the ranks of the SDLP where Martin Bradley , Mark Durkan , Kathleen McCloskey , Margaret McCartney and Wilfred White have all been elected for the first time and Pat Ramsey makes a return to the Council chamber having reclaimed the seat he lost in 1989 .
20 Executive power is held by a President who is elected for a six-year term and who appoints a Cabinet including the Governor of the Federal District .
21 Each state has its own constitution and is administered by a governor who , with the exception of the Governor of the Federal District , is elected for a six-year term , and a Chamber of Deputies elected for a three-year term .
22 Executive power is vested in the President who , with the Vice-President , is elected for a six-year term by an electoral college of 600 directly-elected members .
23 Executive power is in the hands of a President who is elected for a six-year term by the National Assembly .
24 The Federal President ( Bundespräsident , currently Kurt Waldheim ) is elected for a six-year term by universal suffrage and can not serve more than two terms of office .
25 Each state has its own constitution , is administered by a governor , who is elected for a six-year term , and has a Chamber of Deputies elected for a three-year term .
26 The unicameral National Assembly , each of whose 90 directly elected members has an alternate representative , is elected for a six-year term by a system of proportional representation ; it also contains those unelected candidates who have received nationally in the presidential and vice-presidential elections votes equivalent at least to the average of the winning percentages in the National Assembly elections in each regional electoral district , currently bringing the total number of representatives to 92 .
27 Executive power is in the hands of a President who is elected for a six-year term by the National Assembly ( Kuo-Min Ta-Hui ) .
28 The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage ; Moi was returned for a third five-year term in February 1988 [ see p. 36137 ] without recourse to the electorate , having been proposed as sole candidate by KANU .
29 The People 's Assembly , the unicameral legislative body , is elected for a five-year term by direct popular vote .
30 Executive power is vested in the President , who is elected for a five-year term by direct suffrage , and who appoints the Council of Ministers , as well as members of the judiciary and the holders of certain public offices .
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