Example sentences of "[be] sitting on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She 's probably heating up the mince pies so we can have them hot when we 're sitting on the floor in front of the Christmas tree trying to guess what the wrapped up prezzies are .
2 It is not until we 're sitting on the floor dropping cheese on the carpet she tells me she is moving on .
3 I do n't like it when they 're sitting on the floor in front of the counter with their legs like that and they 're sitting there and you 're looking at the video and you think , well , I ca n't get that because that was made in nineteen-eighty-six and they might think I 'm a bit weedy , so I better get something that was made recently .
4 " They 're sitting on the wood and the wood floats , ca n't you see ? " said Blackberry .
5 " They 're sitting on the water !
6 " Those papers are alright to read when you 're sitting on the toilet , but not for the financial news , " he once shouted .
7 And she 'd be sitting on the edge of her chair with a smile stitched to her face as she willed the rest of the party to get a move-on so she could go and make sure Camille was home and safe .
8 For the man at the centre of the police inquiry will be sitting on the committee that could decide their fate .
9 All of the grooms , except one who was asleep on some hay bales , had chosen not to sit in the car with their charges , and I imagined it was because of Leslie Brown 's daunting presence : racing lads on the whole felt a companionable devotion to their horses , and I would have expected more of them to be sitting on the hay bales during the day .
10 Another member of the group will be sitting on the chair with eyes closed and will point in the direction of the slightest sound .
11 As we all know , it is a matter of only a few weeks before the joyous day when the boot will be on the other foot and the right hon. Gentleman will be sitting on the Opposition Front Bench making speeches on timetable motions .
12 and it was like standing , and you 'd be sitting on the steps
13 It also created a circulating draught which could be faintly felt all around the fireplace area , coming to its peak on the back of the neck of the person unwise enough to be sitting on the right of the grate .
14 the effect was to be sitting on the bench … when leee scored everyone ( Wilko and co ) were looking into our box at the TV for a replay .
15 So when my dad had to ski all the way down to the bottom , while I 'm sitting on the side of this bloody slide .
16 I am sitting on the edge of the shakedown bed I had hoped to sleep in .
17 I am sitting on the doorstep with several women of the Alto discussing nervos with them .
18 From where I am sitting on the Rhine embankment I can see the Siebengebirge and the Drachenfels , named for the dragon which guarded the treasure-hoard of the Nibelungs .
19 Fairfax and I are sitting on the verandah at Folly Farm .
20 A group of 5- and 6-year-old infants are sitting on the carpet .
21 He supposes that some frogs are sitting on the coping stones of a circular lily pond .
22 Seven Labour Members are sitting on the Opposition Front Bench .
23 Well , erm perhaps extending that , it 's not just the policeman but it 's the law and the law enforcement agencies that are sitting on the lid of violence here .
24 Peter Mantle thinks so , and MEG is heartened by the fact that the handful of farmers in the area who are sitting on the fence and hoping to make a fast punt out of an imminent El Dorado are outnumbered by a mass of people for whom gold holds no allure .
25 They had been sitting on the sands all day .
26 ‘ From the position of the body I think he could have been sitting on the edge of the bed .
27 She had been sitting on the edge of the bed , and now she leaned forward to take the other woman 's hand again .
28 She 'd been sitting on the edge of the bed when they 'd arrived , two large uniformed men .
29 Benjamin , who had been sitting on the edge of his trestle bed , got up and opened the door .
30 But as it was no longer where she had left it , then it must have done , unless someone had shot into Rose Cottage and stolen it while Cassie had been sitting on the loo .
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