Example sentences of "[be] waiting [prep] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 But they 're waiting for him at the telecottage , a converted school which is due to run out of HIE and BT funding soon and is aiming to become a profitable business , specialising in desk-top publishing , graphic design and printing .
2 ‘ They 're waiting for me at the station . ’
3 " They 're waiting for me at t'mart ! "
4 Gravier 's wife and child and parents had been waiting for him at Acapulco .
5 For all she knew , Molassi could be waiting for her at the bottom , his knife drawn , standing over the body of Rodomonte .
6 They would be waiting for him at the train 's next scheduled stop , the guard would see to that .
7 Sergei will be waiting for you at JFK . ’
8 Give me but one day , and by night he shall be waiting for you at our house . ’
9 There was a ten-ton truck supposed to be waiting for us at Dili but it was n't there .
10 ‘ Sophia will be waiting for us at the vicarage , ’ said Mrs Grandison .
11 Various local councillors and moral guardians were waiting for them at the venue , having read local press reports that the Fabs ' travelling show included a rather racy striptease revue .
12 Oliver and Tim were waiting for them at the gangway .
13 The ticket 's waiting for me at the desk .
14 He 's waiting for you at Brown 's Hotel . ’
15 He 's waiting for you at the Burlington airstrip .
16 ‘ She is waiting for us at home . ’
17 The gardener was waiting for them at the front door .
18 It is extremely likely , also , that someone was waiting for them at their intended destination .
19 For an hour the guests sat patiently listening ; then everybody got up and , with the air of people who have been thinking of little else for some time , demolished the langoor ( free food ) which was waiting for them at the rear of the house .
20 To Sophie 's and Helen 's surprise , Ian Woodall , looking anxious and drawn , was waiting for them at the hospital .
21 I think about Mr Jackson and I get a sort of uncomfortable feeling when I remember he was waiting for me at the house and I did n't come back .
22 When I got back to the attic , Jean-Claude was waiting for me at the top of the stairs .
23 When I went into town to order my new clothes , Mr Pumblechook was waiting for me at the door of his shop .
24 This time he was waiting for me at the table .
25 Jonadab was waiting for her at the stair bottom .
26 Uncle Alfred was waiting for her at the entrance to the nest when she arrived .
27 The manager was waiting for her at the desk , deftly fidgeting with a half-stuffed peregrine falcon .
28 Luke was waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase , fifteen minutes later , looking — surprise , surprise ! — extremely impatient .
29 Fernando was waiting for her at the kerbside , leaning against his white convertible Mercedes .
30 Tom was waiting for him at the bottom .
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