Example sentences of "[be] considered by the government " in BNC.

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1 Tagging , house arrest , tracking offenders , curfews and other restrictive punishments being considered by the Government for its Criminal Justice White Paper , would be a ‘ trip wire ’ into custody for those who would not have been jailed , they warned .
2 DRUG addicts and ‘ dossers ’ are being considered by the Government among groups who should no longer be counted as unemployed .
3 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on the proposals currently being considered by the Government for tackling the problems associated with minerals planning permissions granted in the 1950s , 60s and 70s .
4 FitzGerald — that this was a matter which could be considered as soon as Lord Lowry passed on — being considered by the Government now ?
5 The Middle East Economic Digest of May 31 released a list of 30 companies being considered by the government for privatization [ see p. 38007 ] .
6 Divorce could become easier if new proposals being considered by the government should become law .
7 Guatemala 's Minister of Energy and Mines has announced a plan to set up a series of solar generating stations in rural areas currently without electricity , and similar initiatives are being considered by the governments of El Salvador and Panama .
8 Such a move was considered by the government but rejected after protests from the tourist industry and local people .
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