Example sentences of "[be] to look [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The other strategy has been to look for a species that is alive today that has physical characteristics similar to those of our common ancestor , and has the same lifestyle , and to use its brain as a model for the primitive brain .
2 A better approach seems to be to look for the research with prospects of being revolutionary , that is of establishing a new framework , or deriving new bandwagons .
3 This chapter will have two aims , therefore : the first will be to look at the shades of difference and similarity between feminist approaches to education ; the second will be to ask whether , and in which ways , these approaches can inform our understanding of inequality in higher education .
4 An even more revealing way to consider the changes in the popularity of divorce would be to look at the proportion of each marriage cohort that divorces after a particular period of time .
5 The aim of this book , then , will be to look at the relationship between the ‘ culture ’ of subjects and our common-sense constructions of masculinity and femininity ; and the implications of this relationship for gender inequality in higher education .
6 Abstracting from these difficult matters , an attractive approach to inequality would be to look at the lifetime purchasing power broadly defined over goods and services enjoyed by individuals , appropriately discounted to give a common basis for comparison .
7 Another method would be to look at the Automobile Association 's figures on the cost of running a motor car of that engine capacity or at the cost of hiring such a car .
8 He not only attacks the SEC for being politically grounded , suggesting that the SEC 's limited resources are being focused on those least in favour with the enforcement agency , but by adopting the Stigler ‘ interest theory ’ of regulation , he argues that if one were to look for the supporters of anti-insider dealing provisions , one would find that it is neither society nor the markets , but the SEC itself .
9 Pius XI had made it clear in 1930 , subsequent to the success of the Vatican-Italian Concordat of 1929 , that good sons of the church with political power were to look to the church itself for guidance in their statesmanship :
10 Its terms of reference were to look at the management of the financial and manpower resources of the NHS .
11 No , we were to look at the houses round the small port , and at their inhabitants .
12 They were to look at the sculpture of Michelangelo , and the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel .
13 If we were to look at the balance sheets of these other banks , we should find that their customers ' deposits had increased and that this increase was matched on the asset side by an increase in their operational balances at the Bank of England .
14 One way of acquiring such ideas , of course , is to look on the shelves of a library ( or bookshop ) , or in a publisher 's or library catalogue , where you will find books gathered by subject and by author .
15 In fact , the starting point is to look outside the firm , at the environment for personal injury practice , and at the trends and conditions that will affect future practice .
16 The announcement of his departure came just one day after Barclays revealed that it is to look outside the bank for a new chief executive to take over some of the powers presently held by chairman and chief executive , Andrew Buxton .
17 Boston 's solution is to look to the example of Cuba , where she recently found it ‘ exhilarating to see a third-world nation that is adequately fed and healthy ’ .
18 Question Types The first approach that may be used in breaking down questions is to look for the question types .
19 The other approach is to look for the advantage to the individual of behaving in a particular way .
20 Their technique is to look for the process known as ‘ inverse beta decay ’ , in which an electron- anti neutrino reacts with a proton to produce a positron ( positive electron ) and a neutron .
21 To go back to 1700 is to look at a life that is very little different , for most men and women , from that of 1500 or even 1200 .
22 Part of the art of angling is to look at a stretch of water , to analyse the clues of current , depth and cover and to decide , for example , where the roach are likely to lie or where the barbel may be shoaled up .
23 One simple way of spotting a poisonous species is to look at the shape of the head .
24 A good rule is to look at the shape and size of the flower before you press it , and then imagine what it will look like once it is flat .
25 The first step is to look at the contract to see whether there is any discretion with regard to payment that is made .
26 He says that the only way you can tell they 're fake , is to look at the stitching on the labels .
27 The purpose of the present investigation is to look at the influence of psychosocial factors on these patterns of health in the middle years .
28 Secondly Chairman I would like to draw the Councillors ' attention to the fact that I 'm this years representative on the South East Waste Regulation Advisory Committee and we have indeed got in hand a project which is to look at the whole of the recycling and the priorities for the South East region and I would imagine that by the time our officers have reported back to this Authority that they will have an advantage of having access to that report .
29 it is really very difficult to stick to a principle when the form of capital can be changed about in the many forms that modern complex conditions will allow … the thing is to look at the spirit which initiates these particular forms of thrift on the part of people .
30 A working party is to look at the provision for 16-plus age groups with special needs .
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