Example sentences of "[be] told by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am told by the probation service , social workers , educationists , and those involved in the youth offenders institute in my constituency that the turning point comes in the late teens , when such offenders get a regular girl friend and decide that it is about time that they acted a little more responsibly .
2 Having been told by the gentleman at passenger enquiries that the Lowestoft train is one of the few in Britain to retain six-seater compartments , I am fully prepared to adopt my usual routine for such occasions ; I intend to rush on , secure an empty compartment , slide the door behind me , adopt the brazen-hussy-like pose of an Amsterdam whore in her front window ( tongue rolling out and knees wide apart , as I slouch across the upholstery ) , crook my index finger and beckon slowly at any commuters passing along the corridor outside who are considering invading my territory .
3 We 'd been told by the guardian that the bolts on the climb were ‘ good . ’
4 Lady Richelda is believed to have been told by the Virgin Mary to build a replica of her house in Nazareth .
5 Er , a village blacksmith has had his been told by the council to close down because he lives in a greenbelt area .
6 She possessed an uncanny memory and recalled painful detail , in perfect clarity , that she had been told by the physician from India .
7 ‘ Jackson has been told by the specialist how close he came to losing an eye .
8 In a couple of days she 'll be up and about again , but I 've been told by the doctor to keep her off school for a while longer .
9 Royal protection chief Commander Bob Marsh also dismissed the paper 's other claims that the Yard had received information from spy chiefs and been told by the Palace to reveal Di 's movements .
10 The fatal accident inquiry at Ayr had been told by the lawyer for the golf club that the most important way to stop accidental drownings is by education .
11 Sheena Falconer , senior lecturer in textiles , has been told by the principal , Dr David Kennedy , that there is room for only one textile lecturer , but that she could stay on as an ordinary lecturer — the post held by her sister , Barbara Diack .
12 No , she has n't been told by the hospital .
13 The American base of RAF Mildenhall has not yet been told by the Pentagon that it can spend the necessary cash on the show , which last year attracted 406,000 people .
14 Those of you who were present at the AGM will be aware that we have been told by the GAP that the Society 's grant will be drastically reduced during the next few years and will cease after 1991 .
15 Thus , although the US had been told by the French not only that there was no question of the ‘ reconquest ’ of Indo-China but that it was also doubtful that France had the military strength to accomplish it , they were also invited to believe , by the French , that Ho was in direct contact with Moscow and was receiving advice and instructions from the Soviets .
16 As we are told by the idea that ‘ the idling spirit by its own moods interprets , every where echo or mirror seeking of itself ’ we realise the poet 's argument that our subjective perception of an event is more important than the event itself ; our creative response to an action is all-important , therefore .
17 We are told by the Government that we must be prepared to tolerate environmental devastation and a senseless waste of more than £1,000 million worth of extra public money because the Ove Arup route is necessary if prosperity is to come from the regeneration of east London and the east Thames corridor .
18 We are told by The Observer that the hon. Member for Livingston is now running as part of a comic team with the hon. Member for Kingston upon Hull , East ( Mr. Prescott ) — a wonderful pantomime horse — in seeking the job of the Leader of the Opposition .
19 One reason why people in our area consistently vote Labour is that they are told by the Opposition that the whole country owes them a living and that everything that has happened to them — the economic misfortunes of past years — has been inflicted purposely by a Conservative Government .
20 Nor does it get us anywhere to learn from Anna Dostoevsky 's Memoirs that the story of the frantic Shatov , where phrasing seems inevitable and images unsought — it does n't help to be told by the novelist 's widow that these flawless pages lean heavily on his own behaviour while their first child was being born .
21 The Home Office Code under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 [ PACE ] requires that as soon as a suspect arrives at a police station , they should be told by the custody officer of their right to independent , free legal advice .
22 From juvenile Great Spotted and Syrian it can be told by the gap between its black cheek stripe and black nape , and no black stripe bordering red crown .
23 Well , I 'm sorry , if I was in my workplace I would n't be happy representing a member and then be told by the employer , I 'm not required to tell you why you 've lost your appeal and I do n't think this is something we should do within our own organization on our own members .
24 Blake was not surprised to be told by the Doctor that its origin and purpose remained unknown .
25 One resident , John Morell , 30 , said : ‘ We were told by the council that we had to be out within 48 hours .
26 Newspapers , he adds in the chapter , were told by the Prince 's friends that Diana was a ‘ meglomaniac . ’
27 They were told by the judge , ’ You knew the risk you ran , you asked yourself if the game was worth the risk and you said yes it was . ’
28 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
29 ‘ We were told by the teacher it was a mortal sin to touch them P of course we all did !
30 I , I ca n't understand the secretariat allowing this to come out were told by the president that it was not possible to use this money unless it was grant related .
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