Example sentences of "[be] necessary [subord] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But overall , NACAB did not believe that the initial resources proposed for the task were sufficient and considerable negotiations would be necessary before the CAB would accept the task .
2 A development plan had been accepted by the governing body and HMI as realistic , but clearly reorganization would be necessary when the Polytechnic came into existence .
3 We would initially require a payment of £X and further payments might be necessary as the case progresses , as further bills are incurred .
4 Conditioners will be necessary if the hair is extremely dry or damaged .
5 These factors can not be controlled by either the borrower or the bank , so creative restructuring will be necessary if the property company is to survive and avoid bad debt .
6 This , of course , would not be necessary if the flute part were not rather low and hence weak by comparison .
7 It would of course be necessary if the County Council well first of all , our report will as you know be to the County Council .
8 First , the effects of pre-exposure will not transfer readily from one context to another because the original contextual cues will be necessary if the information acquired during pre-exposure is to be fully available .
9 However , this will not be necessary if the bidder already has in place from its last AGM an authority to issue sufficient shares for the rights issue ( without , if necessary , complying with the strict requirements of s89 ) .
10 We were told that capping would be necessary until the poll tax was introduced as that would bring accountability .
11 In addition , although the test of incorporation is generally objective , special steps may be necessary where the person seeking to rely on the terms knows that the other person is under a disability ; for instance , that he can not read the language in which the terms are printed ( Geier v Kujawa [ 1970 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 364 ) .
12 We have already seen why it is that traumatic weaning may no longer be necessary because the state , rather than the individual 's own ego and superego , now enforces postponement of oral gratification in the interest of the economy .
13 High standards of technical skill and of ethics , for example , are argued to be necessary because the client can not judge the service he receives .
14 The examination of the performance of standard in-rack systems led to the realisation that systems giving a much quicker and better-directed response to fire were necessary if the performance requirements of section 6.3 were to be met .
15 The trust for sale terms drawn up gave the trustees the right to manage the land and an obligation to sell it if it no longer produced a satisfactory income , with the proceeds of the sale going to the beneficiary , the consent of the beneficiary being necessary before the sale could take place .
16 Such tests are necessary because the model is not educationally very plausible ( however statistically elegant and convenient it might be ) .
17 These are necessary as the part must finally rotate in both of those planes to maintain its pin centre coincident with that of the arc , described by the constrained rotation of the upper pin centre on PARTC .
18 Stage 2 Making Strategic Decisions — Strategic decisions are those which determine the long-term policies of the firm and are necessary if the firm is to meet its objectives eg. policy changes relating to the range of products that are sold .
19 Parts lists including description reference numbers and sometimes drawings are necessary if the user is expected to deal with his own replacements .
20 These controls are necessary if the business company is not to threaten the traditional liberal distrust of unconstrained power normally encapsulated in the adherence to the Rule of Law .
21 Significant measures of freedom are necessary if the student is to acquire the virtues of intellectual independence , toughness , empathy with others ' views , and willingness to engage in meaningful conversation .
22 Several adjustments are necessary when the system load is changed .
23 None of this , however , could obscure the triumph of the Prince 's baptism at Notre Dame on 14 June 1856 , a long delay having been necessary because the Empress had been so weak after the birth that she was unable to leave her bed for months .
24 The plan contained no provisions for the long-term clean-up that would have been necessary if the tanker had been carrying heavier crude .
25 To devote five chapters to intonation may seem excessive , but I feel that this is necessary since the subject is difficult and complex , and needs to be explained at considerable length if the explanation is to be intelligible .
26 The Ladder is divided into two parts : the first deals with the preparation that is necessary before the novice is ready for advanced contemplation and the second part deals with the mystical experience .
27 In that figure I have shown , in addition to the actual recombination event itself , a gene R whose presence is necessary if the event is to take place .
28 This information is necessary if the test user is to be confident that the linguistic abilities which the test purports to measure are indeed the abilities that are actually measured .
29 There is a readily identified ‘ central government interest ’ within the state of destination where considerations of sovereignty may be seen to be involved and where some knowledge of the nature of the documents is necessary if the state of destination is to be sure that its public policy ( e.g. as to bank secrecy ) is not offended .
30 A spokesman for the county ambulance service has already stated how the weekend duty rota works , but CHC members decided further discussion is necessary if the problem is to be resolved .
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