Example sentences of "[be] said [that] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It has been said that the Acts " provided a new cause of action and did not merely regulate or enlarge an old one " .
2 ( iii ) Limitation of liability.It has been said that the courts tend to view clauses which limit liability more favourably than those which provide for a total exclusion .
3 It has been said that the Meditations on the Passion are proper to beginners in spiritual life .
4 It used to be said that the gypsies stole little children .
5 It has to be said that the plays are somewhat thin in material , and the characterisation weak , but they were both offended by the offhand refusal and the Corporation 's unwillingness to offer even the slightest guidance for the betterment of the projects .
6 It is too easy to slip into a mood of depression at the outset of what promises to be a period of very significant change in education but , in relation to the concerns identified earlier , it would have to be said that the omens are not propitious .
7 In fairness , it must be said that the professions have worked out a number of checks and balances to this system , and a common alternative to a percentage fee , hourly rates , can work out as an even more expensive open cheque drawn on the public purse .
8 It has to be said that the countries in this bit of the world , which were previously part of the Soviet Union , do not look a promising market .
9 " To be fair , however , it must be said that the natives on the hill also applauded the firmness and resolve which the gentlemen displayed in our defence .
10 Although one should not read too much into this , given that the families in the survey had at least one child in primary ( board ) school by definition , and therefore the oldest were sometimes the only ones of an age to be working , it can safely be said that the openings for girls in the printing trade must have been a godsend for low-income families with several children .
11 When the last payment was made on 12 February 1990 , it could not be said that the accountants would necessarily be benefited by a surplus of £2,310 to set against fees for work done earlier but unpaid .
12 For those that understand such terminology it might be said that the remedies work at the level of energy and not of matter .
13 On only three out of approximately 180 occasions , therefore , can it be said that the inspectors had been less than absolutely fair in the opinion of those who were criticised .
14 In this respect it can be said that the methods of interpretation developed by the European Court match the particular characteristics of Community legal texts .
15 However , it is not known whether the courts would accept this argument , because it can perhaps be said that the shares management acquire in Newco are acquired pursuant to ( though not causally connected to ) an opportunity offered to management ( namely to buy Target or its business ) by reason of their employment/directorships with the vendor or Target .
16 To summarize this part of the argument , it can be said that the contradictions found in these forty interviews between housework satisfaction patterns and answers to the question ‘ Do you like housework ? ’ may be interpreted as evidence of class-differentiated linguistic styles and norms of feminine domesticity .
17 Thus , in the sense that jewellers who keep valuable items in their shop-windows cause smash-and-grab raids and women who walk alone cause rapes , it may be said that the police do , in a sense , cause riots and lawbreaking merely by existing .
18 It has to be said that the prospects for the house and farm buildings did not seem promising when Gordon Pratt of Hawes Auction Mart opened the bids on 28 October 1988 .
19 It is now necessary to consider when a commercial transaction is so structured that it can not be said that the parties are dealing on standard terms at all .
20 However , it can not be said that the laws-of-war approach has resulted in clear and unambiguous agreement either among writers or among countries as to the precise restrictions to be placed on nuclear weapons use .
21 It is said that the views which I expressed in my judgments in In re J. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 33 and In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 26 which are relevant to this were obiter and did not receive the express assent of those sitting with me .
22 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
23 It is said that the powers of the Prime Minister have developed to such an extent that the traditional constraints are ineffective .
24 It is said that the men of Israel are to prepare themselves for three days for this awesome disclosure of God by not going near a woman ( Exod.
25 It is said that the plaintiffs endeavoured to run the business because of the negligent advice received by them from Mr on the twenty second of October the plaintiffs were unable to withdraw from the contract .
26 Later in the day it was said that the Germans had refused to issue any more food parcels for the rest of the week .
27 It was said that the planners threatened all of this by placing obstacles in the way of local people in their efforts to fulfil their lives .
28 He looked taller than I had imagined him : it was said that the platforms on which he stood always had an elevated section in the middle to raise him up .
29 He did n't go to Mass , but it was said that the priests came down to him once a month and heard his confession and gave him Holy Communion .
30 In South London , for example , it was said that the gangs wore ‘ boots toe-plated with iron , and calculated to kill easily ’ .
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