Example sentences of "[be] found in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In all of the cells for which lipid compositional asymmetries have been described the negatively charged phospholipids are predominantly located in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane , while the zwitterionic phospholipids , containing the phosphorylcholine headgroup , are found in the outer leaflet .
2 of the county , so that although some of these sites are of great importance to birds , most birds are found in the other 99.5 per cent .
3 Some of these can be expressed as a distance-decay function and indeed costs of migration may largely be a matter of distance as in the case of outmigration from island economies such as are found in the Caribbean or Oceania ; others are political and virtually insurmountable , such as national frontiers .
4 G. M. Henry , in his classic A Guide to the Birds of Ceylon , puts forward this argument to explain why the birds that have developed as separate species and subspecies are found in the southern , mountainous half of the island .
5 Others of less consequence are found in the upper reaches of Barbon Beck , but the most prolific concentration of entrances to subterranea lies upstream of Blindbeck Bridge .
6 High concentrations of PYY and enteroglucagon are found in the colonic mucosa of humans and other species .
7 Such activities are found in the broad range of tasks concerned with diagnosis .
8 Probably more than half of the two million living species of invertebrates making up this proportion live in the seas covering our planet , and perhaps half of these are found in the tropical waters from where aquarium subjects are collected .
9 by no means all of the large reptiles that are found in the Mesozoic rocks are dinosaurs — the reptile groups that took up life in the sea or the air were only distantly related .
10 Phagocytic cells are found in the intestinal mucosa ; they are heterogeneous immunohistochemically in both normal and inflamed mucosa .
11 Other old-established Serbian communities are found in the Dalmatian hinterland .
12 Nerves that communicate with the use of acetylcholine are said to be cholinergic and are found in the peripheral and central nervous systems .
13 They are found in the corporatist model of the company .
14 More advanced lakes are found in the maritime Antarctic .
15 The hard struggles to realize democracy , against the entrenched interests of birth and wealth ; the deprecation of democracy as the rule of " the mob " or " the rabble " ; the conviction that the poor , or working men , have no competence in politics ; the uneasy coexistence of political equality with social and economic inequality ; the linking of the struggle for democracy with the struggle for freedom of speech and equality before the law ; the dependence of democracy upon a communal sense of identity — all these are found in the Greek experience , and all recur in the modern evolution of democracy and the debate it generated .
16 It does have certain points in its favour which are found in the hypnotic technique too , and which I consider vital in the interests of safety and authenticity :
17 Other areas of conifers are found in the High Weald and on the Lower Greensand , but the heavy soils of the Low Weald are dominated by deciduous woodland .
18 These structures are found in the hop-growing areas of Kent and East Sussex , where they are called oast-houses , and the westernmost part of Surrey , Herefordshire and West Worcestershire .
19 These parasites are found in the large intestine of horses and their effects on the host range from poor performance to clinical signs of severe enteritis .
20 The Gold Australe is classed as a top spawner , that is to say the eggs are found in the top half of the tank .
21 Most trace elements are found in the numerous soils exploited for commercial cultivation , but the amounts which are available to the plant vary for several reasons .
22 Syphilitic aneurysms most commonly occur in that part of the aorta which is found in the chest , but occasionally are found in the abdominal aorta .
23 According to technical marketing director , Diran Kazandjian , the group 's main customers are found in the corporate market , government , and education — he claims Viglen is one of the top three suppliers to UK universities .
24 But even though the air sinuses may be almost full of these worms , and they may also be present in the cavity of the middle ear , they have not been found in the inner ear .
25 Fossil remains of giant frogs that were coterminous with the labyrinthodonts have been found in the Spanish Tertiary .
26 This is probably why , alongside the numerous examples of be seen to and be heard to in the affirmative , none have been found in the negative : ( 91 ) * He was n't seen to cross the street .
27 The auxiliary use of need has also been found in the following type of sentence not listed by Jacobsson : ( 23 ) By co-vary , we mean that the more a language has of one of the processes , the less it need have of the other .
28 The modal construction has been found in the following types of context which fall into Jacobsson 's ten categories : ( 25 ) Her restlessness wakened her bedfellows more than once .
29 It has also been found in the following four contexts : ( 31 ) " The living have never used that road since the coming of the Roherrim , " said Aragorn , " for it is closed to them .
30 During Miocene and Pliocene times tapirs abounded over the whole of Europe and Asia , their remains having been found in the tertiary deposits of France , India , Burmah , and China .
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