Example sentences of "[be] to take [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the only way of getting a picture would be to take one in a bird sanctuary .
2 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
3 ‘ I am to take you to the count .
4 " You are to take me to the King , " he said .
5 Wearing a tidy black suit , Palance throws his carpetbag negligently into the back of Jeff Chandler 's buggy which is to take him to the reservation .
6 If they do anything which affects anybody , your only recourse is to take them to a High Court for a judicial review . ’
7 The railways are now in division three and the government 's plan is to take them into the non-league .
8 Rulfo 's oral style — which manifests itself in this novel and in the stories of The Burning Plain , in the frequent repetition of words and phrases , in a manner typical of the backtracking of oral narrative — is , of course , much more than a formal device , for its function is to take us inside the world of a rural peasantry whose cultural tradition is non-literate .
9 He told us what sport it was to take her to the ‘ Houtsize ‘ 0use ’ in London , first putting her on the Inner Circle , getting off smartly himself , and leaving her to go round and round until his amusement wore off .
10 A Norwegian freedom fighter who knew the area was to take her to the nearby village , after which she was on her own .
11 At the beginning of September , 1715 , the mission left St. Petersburg on an incredible journey that was to take it from the shore of the Baltic Sea in the west , almost to the Pacific Ocean in the east , crossing the full width of European Russia , much of Siberia , Mongolia 's Gobi Desert and deep into China .
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