Example sentences of "[be] now looking at the " in BNC.

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1 Many schools are now looking at the whole issue of profiling and records of achievement .
2 We are now looking at the idea of team appraisals instead of appraising individuals .
3 As we increase our confidence , right , so if we are ninety five percent confident we are now looking at the five percent significance level T rat er the critical value rate rises to two point zero point two and if you want to be even more confident , to be ninety nine percent confident about our inference , you look at the one percent level , right , and that has a T ratio of two point seven five .
4 And erm he actually , he , he started off and , and was very nervous but the summing up of it was , was brilliant erm and I , I would n't put it across as well as what he did but the principle of it was that he , he suddenly turned round and said right I have now changed my job , right , you are now looking at the new managing director of Friends Provident , he says , and the first thing I am going to do is I 'm cutting all your wages to eighty five pounds a week , what are you going to do about it ?
5 Spanish and Norwegian skippers were now looking at the possibilities such unusual fish offered .
6 He is now looking at the win as the foundation to his future .
7 Exchange visits between company and school have kept the project going and Courtaulds is now looking at the possibility of helping them design a fibre spinning rig .
8 Edward was now looking at the river with great intensity ; he leaned forward a little , as though to see something better .
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