Example sentences of "[be] a clearly [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As they are a clearly established data subset in the Census of Production , their collective performance can therefore be compared directly with that of UK manufacturing companies in the UK .
2 The essential point , if there is to be proper democratic accountability , is that there must be a clearly defined authority whose judgement and power can not ultimately be contradicted other than by the citizens themselves through the ballot box .
3 In order for there to be a democracy there must be a clearly defined source of ultimate power .
4 It is absolutely vital in any activity in this field that there must be a clearly specified objective , which would therefore seem to rule out the Blue Skies approach outlined here .
5 ‘ Use ’ is to be preferred as a charge on the grounds that it is easier to prove , being a clearly defined term , and attracts less defences than ‘ cause ’ and ‘ permits ’ .
6 In initial stages , as reported for both Xenopus and mouse embryos treated with retinoic acid , we find that although there is a clearly defined segment in the r3 position , the r3 stripe of Krox-20 expression is absent .
7 in hyper-text systems , the internal structure of the nodes can be left undefined whereas in data-base technology there is a clearly defined structure for each specific text object at lower levels of the class hierarchy .
8 So it is that for Douglas MacBain it is a clearly defined aim to consider setting targets for numbers of churches to be planted in the coming decade and to work to facilitate this .
9 In contrast with doubled CO 2 and fully interactive ozone ( Fig. 4d ) , there is a clearly defined minimum in high latitudes whilst the maximum ozone amount is about 10% lower than in the other simulations .
10 However , if there is a clearly defined project , the related expenditure is clearly identifiable , and if there is a reasonable expectation of sufficient future benefits at least to cover all the costs , development expenditure may be carried forward as an asset on the balance sheet and amortized over the period(s) expected to benefit .
11 There is a clearly written text with an illustrated chronology of the country 's history taking it up to 1992 .
12 The Mother & Baby Book of Pregnancy and Birth by Patsy Westcott ( Grafton , £3.99 ) is a clearly written paperback that follows the stages of pregnancy from conception to birth .
13 the creation of a flexible electronic archive to service the increasingly diverse roles of the authority , and ensure there is a clearly signposted point from where public enquiries can be answered ;
14 There was a clearly defined path , but she still had to pick her way with care .
15 The letter , which finally appeared on 19th October over the initials ‘ E.A.F. ’ , was a clearly stated argument why Gothic was more suitable for the Foreign Office than Classic .
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