Example sentences of "[be] attribute to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The recent reinforcement of this trend has been attributed to a weakening of credibility of deterrence based in what is seen as ‘ America 's strategic predicament ’ , defined as :
2 My tutor was a delightful stern lady , and I remember when I had written about John 's gospel , the epistles of John , and the book of Revelation , she looked at me over the top of her spectacles and announced ‘ Young man , you have assumed that because these books have all been attributed to a man named John , that they are all by the same person , who was also an apostle .
3 This apparent breakdown in the post-war consensus has been attributed to a number of inter-related processes .
4 More recently , the appointment of Vial has been attributed to the influence of Granville Penn , who seems to have taken the Frenchman uncritically at his own valuation .
5 As Slade LJ put it in Harlingdon Ltd : … the fact that a description has been attributed to the goods , either during the course of negotiations or even in the contract ( if written ) itself , does not necessarily and by itself render the contract one for 'sale by description " .
6 Tribrachidium has been attributed to the trilobozoans ( a possible group of early cnidarians ) or alternatively a proto-echinoderm with the tri-radial symmetry preceding the penta-radial arrangement of most later echinoderms .
7 It has been attributed to the ivory-carver of the Crucifixion relief on the book-cover of the abbess Theophanu of Essen and is estimated to sell for £200–300,000 ( $360–540,000 ) .
8 Vasari recorded it in situ in his biography of Cosimo Roselli , but the work has since been attributed to the Master of the Fiesole ‘ Epiphany ’ , a follower of Domenico Ghirlandaio .
9 A more problematic infection which has been attributed to the Russians was the spread of syphilis , especially among the Nenets Samoeds .
10 It is quite unlike the Trojan origin which may already have been attributed to the Franks as a result of imperial diplomacy , and suggests that the Merovingian dynasty did not come to the fore as a result of its connections with Rome .
11 22 per cent of the overall decline in mortality from 1848 to 1971 have been attributed to the decline of TB in all its forms ( McKeown 1976 ) , and 45 per cent to 1900 .
12 Emission reductions since the early 1970s are attributed to the installation of pollution control equipment , technological improvements , reduced activity in some industries such as iron and steel ( figure 8.9 ) and the use of cleaner fuels in residential areas .
13 I am going to consider now a famous case in which the supposed regularities of human morality are attributed to the workings of adaptive rules , so providing an evolutionary explanation for part of human culture .
14 The precise answer to this question requires a mathematical statement of the model , which we leave until later in this chapter , but the general answer , which both has policy implications and can serve as the basis for a subtle test of the model , is this : under rational expectations the proportions of any unexpectedly high price which are attributed to the aggregate and relative demand shocks respectively should be based on the true process determining that unexpectedly high price ; that is , on the true likelihood of any unexpectedly high price being due to a random aggregate demand increase or to a favourable relative demand shock .
15 Ironically , it was here , says Sacks , that he Trotskyists were most active and most effective and their significant increase in strength may at least in part be attributed to a sense of frustration and anger with the ICP who had , willingly or not , abandoned the cause of independence .
16 It was not that this could be attributed to a weakening of moral fibre on their part , but rather that they had grown up in a society in which there were few straightforward moral guidelines , and into ‘ a community which is thoroughly confused about morals , and … their behaviour reflects that confusion ’ .
17 Who knows how many quarrels , false accusations , unnecessary dismissals , how many promising careers cut short can be attributed to a butler 's slovenliness at the stage of drawing up the staff plan ?
18 The catalytic inactivity of the mutant protein can not be attributed to a defect in overall folding since Dcm and Dcm/Cys177Ser show indistinguishable DNA binding properties ( see below : Figure 4 ) .
19 This criticism is based ( a ) on comparisons with other countries such as West Germany and Japan ( Vittas 1986 ) , where banks play a much larger role in industrial financing ; ( b ) on an assumption that bad industrial performance can be attributed to a lack of finance ; and ( c ) on a certain dissatisfaction with consistently high levels of bank profitability .
20 The law has some part to play in stimulating directors to take appropriate action in these areas by imposing liability where loss can be attributed to a failure on the part of the board to ensure that the company is equipped with an adequate organisational structure .
21 Once again , however , Communist inability to consolidate this position can be attributed to a combination of swift and effective repression of Communism in Latin America ( partly a response to their increased support , partly due to the onset of the Cold War and the pro-US orientation of most Latin American regimes in the late 1940s and 1950s ) and failures in tactics by the parties .
22 This can be attributed to a number of factors : the increased availability of street heroin in Wirral during the early 1980s ; the periodic droughts of pot and speed at around about the same time ( some of the users suggested a direct relation between these phenomena ) ; the existence of large numbers of users initiated in the 1978–81 period who acted both as models to emulate and who were also probably the first dealers the new initiates came into contact with .
23 A continual drop in the pond level despite the weather conditions , can be attributed to a leak , which will need finding and sealing .
24 The lack of advance on our part should not be attributed to the idleness of a century , much rather to the genius of Maxwell .
25 However , there is a strong view that the guarantee should be recognised as a liability both in the parent 's individual accounts and the consolidated accounts , and , therefore , no amount would be attributed to the minority interest .
26 The crime was paradoxical , namely , the mere profession of Christianity , the name itself , rather than any crimes that might be attributed to the name by association .
27 Towards the top of the scale the relatively large number of prosperous husbandmen must be taken as reflecting the high overall level of wealth reinforced by the demand of the manufacturing population for food ; at the lower end the paucity of £2 assessments can almost certainly be attributed to the cottage farmers having turned over to weaving and kindred trades .
28 On substantive questions under the Convention , particularly whether the applicant has had a fair trial , matters of ‘ lawyer failure ’ generally do not result in a violation of the Convention because such failure can not be attributed to the State , which is the only respondent before the Commission or the Court .
29 Berg also argued that the fact that G was fully informed and not misled by the report was irrelevant , since it was alleged that he was not acting in Berg 's interest so that his knowledge should not be attributed to the company .
30 ‘ Where a company is accused of a crime the acts and intentions of those who are the directing minds and will of the company are to be attributed to the company .
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