Example sentences of "[be] absorb into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Second , there is the idea that the bureaucratic apparatus of the state grows as the institutions of feudalism and other pre-capitalist relations of production are absorbed into the modern state .
2 Responsibility for development and inspection was taken over by the Social Work Service and the work of the training council has been absorbed into the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work .
3 The Church in Abyssinia had been rescued from extinction with the help of the Portuguese : without their intervention the Abyssinians might well have been absorbed into the adjacent Muslim world .
4 The public library has lost its soul because it has been absorbed into the modern semi-literate culture and because it did not have the knowledge and experience gained across generations that the old private libraries had to enable them to cope with the world of mass circulation popular fiction , for example , rather than the People 's University that Hoggart remembers from his youth in the Hunslet district of Leeds .
5 For disappointing though the Act was to prove to the great and unpropertied majority whose aspirations had been absorbed into the emotional dynamic needed to sustain the political will to secure its passage through Parliament , nevertheless it had shown that the Constitution could be changed constitutionally .
6 In time the Pomeranian Poles would have undoubtedly been absorbed into the German-language community as their forbears had been in previous centuries .
7 Soil that has been absorbed into the top layer of a substrate may be very difficult to remove .
8 Today , these ancient tribal lands have been absorbed into the surrounding countries .
9 Today the garden is still there , although it has long since been absorbed into the sprawling outskirts of the town .
10 In all this he found time to address meetings for these and many other bodies , hold weekly classes for teaching the youth of his synagogue post-biblical history and related subjects , write articles for the Jewish press ( he founded an Anglo Jewish Journal called The Jewish Times later to be absorbed into the Canadian Jewish Chronicle ) .
11 More recently he had been accused of planning to allow Mongolia to be absorbed into the Soviet Union prior to the death of Stalin .
12 The guardians ' responsibility for training would then end , and the probationers would be absorbed into the affiliated hospital for their third and fourth years .
13 It had already been stripped of the lighting side of its business , the more profitable side , and now the tramway undertaking was to be absorbed into the unified transport system , of which so much had been heard .
14 The rate at which people can be absorbed into the public social service sector , or are willing and able to enter it , does not depend on the social planners alone , and there is much scope for improvement in our whole approach to manpower and womanpower problems .
15 Nonetheless it was the aspiration of most of those living above subsistence level that they , or their sons , should be absorbed into the expanding middle-class .
16 The agreement provided for the 5,000-strong rebel army ( the UDPA ) to be absorbed into the National Resistance Army ( the regular army ) .
17 There is a significant divide between Cavalcanti 's surrealism and Powell 's romantic mysticism but , within their bizarre plot , the Powell-Pressburger team also show us how land girls were being absorbed into the rural workforce , and the sort of connections that were being formed between British and American soldiers .
18 Last week Frankfurt finalised the WOMBAT negotiations with Albania and Mongolia , and their currencies were absorbed into the Global Numismatic Unit ( GNU ) , so named because one specimen was ‘ minted ’ ( made in metallic hard-copy form ) into what our grandmothers used to know as a ‘ coin ’ .
19 Many Slovenes were absorbed into the dominant German culture and into the Austro-German nobility .
20 These were Styria ( Steiermark ) , acquired by the Habsburgs in 1278 ; Carniola ( Krain ) and Carinthia ( Kärnten ) , which came to the Habsburgs in 1335 ; and Trieste , Görz-Gradisca and Istria , which were absorbed into the expanding Austrian realm later in the fourteenth century .
21 The wedding party still seemed happily merged with the convention , and , without having any choice in the matter , Ellie was absorbed into the friendly crowd .
22 In Germany , Darwinism was absorbed into the developmental philosophy of Ernst Haeckel ( 1834–1919 ) , who was strongly influenced by the analogy between evolution and the purposeful development of the embryo towards maturity .
23 At Cambridge Darwin was absorbed into the Anglican way of thinking about Nature and read Paley 's Natural Theology .
24 In the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the Law Merchant , apart from maritime law and prize law ( see p. 40 ) , was absorbed into the Common Law ; thus the law of such matters as Bills of Exchange came to be part of the law of the land , and came to have a specially English character .
25 They attempted to demonstrate how the Spanish influence was absorbed into the Andean vision of the world and they achieved considerable success .
26 Gaskell was actively involved with the firm until the 1870s , after which he remained a director until November 1890 , when it was absorbed into the United Alkali Co .
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