Example sentences of "[be] draw from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With such questions , a major task lies in unpacking the word-play , and making clear the distinctions you are drawing from the formulation of the question .
2 There are other examples where totally wrong conclusions have been drawn from the publication of early evidence , causing considerable unnecessary distress to many people in the meantime .
3 The terms ‘ pre-service ’ and ‘ in-service ’ have been commonly used ; they are , in fact , misnomers , for a substantial proportion of entrants to ‘ pre-service ’ training have always been drawn from the ranks of those untrained teachers who perform such an important and unrecognised job in African primary schools .
4 So much water has already been drawn from the delta that more than 90 per cent of the original wetlands have disappeared , says Yassa .
5 The same principle is still used , to a lesser degree , where vegetables containing bitter juices , such as aubergines and courgettes , are sprinkled with salt and then left until the juices have been drawn from the flesh .
6 The facts are drawn from the Datastream database , and are thus subject to the vagaries of any such enterprise .
7 Black sportsmen are drawn from the ranks of black working-class youth and these generally grow up under similar conditions , being subjected to the same kind of pressures or lack of them .
8 The eleven participating artists , each of whom has contributed a screenprint , are drawn from the ranks of the city 's exciting younger generation and include Angela Bulloch , Damien Hirst , Langlands & Bell , Michael Landy , Marc Quinn and Rachel Whiteread .
9 In accordance with the main theme of this book the accounts given here are drawn from the school sector ( primary and secondary ) and concentrate on activities that were conducted at the level of the whole institution ( although , in practice , the whole of the school may not have become involved ) .
10 The perceptions of the ‘ inner city ’ and of the ‘ underclass ’ which inform government circles today are drawn from the United States , whose cities offer a terrifying picture of our future if we continue to move down the road to a residual , extremely selectivist welfare system .
11 The newspaper articles supporting Barts are drawn from the experiences of our patients or their relatives and can not simply be ignored .
12 Both the theories and methods are drawn from the traditions of social anthropology .
13 The data are drawn from the Surveys of 1979 and 1980 ( OPCS 1981 , 1982 ) .
14 A working party whose members are drawn from the Society of Practitioners of Insolvency , the Institute , the Scottish Institute and the Law Society , is looking into the future VAT control of insolvent traders .
15 Therefore , before any policy conclusions are drawn from the figures recently published , do we not need to be sure ( i ) that we can predict with some success which defendants are likely ( at more than 50 per cent .
16 Like many local constituency Conservative party officers , who are drawn from the professions and small business , Mrs Thatcher is self-made and does not come from one of the traditional Tory interests — business , land , or a political family .
17 His central ethical rules are drawn from the law of Moses .
18 Some of the objects on show are drawn from the collection of the late Jerome Strauss who assembled a group of 2,400 pieces , donated to the museum after his death in 1979 .
19 The government is formed by the political party enjoying majority support in the House of Commons ; while most ministers are members of the Commons , a number are drawn from the House of Lords , and legislation requires approval by both houses before enactment .
20 We have a 100ml sample size of Dry Skin Relief to give away absolutely free to the first 2500 readers whose names are drawn from the postbag .
21 We have 1000 bottles of Selsun Soft Conditioner to give away free to the first 1000 readers whose names and addresses are drawn from the postbag after October 31 1989 .
22 GARDEN PLANTS FOR FREE The Gardener has 5 copies of Alan and Adrian Bloom 's Blooms of Bressingham Garden Plants to give away to the first five readers whose names are drawn from the postbag after 31 December 1992 .
23 We have 10 Boots Two-Hour Multi-Chargers , worth £19.99 each , plus packs of four batteries ( £6.99 ) or the first readers whose names are drawn from the postbag .
24 I have already described above the group of patients for whom these units are intended , and the recommendations regarding location which , as I have already indicated , are drawn from the Timbury Report .
25 Chief examiners and moderators are drawn from the banks , professions and the higher education sector .
26 Martyn Moxon captains the England A side , who are drawn from the party who recently returned from the Caribbean tour , with Hugh Morris as his deputy .
27 Using this as radius , circular arcs are drawn from the apex through the other corners of the triangle to produce the form of a fish .
28 Many of these planners have research backgrounds , others are drawn from the account side .
29 The researchers are drawn from the ESRC 's North West Regional Research and Operations Management .
30 For although it is constantly argued that the police represent and are drawn from the community they serve , the cultural style required in the body of the police officer inevitably sets him slightly apart from the ‘ civvies ’ outside the institution , especially where such symbolic use of clothing and beards or hair is the province of the youthful innovator .
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