Example sentences of "[be] draw up for the " in BNC.

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1 I enclose two copies of a contract which has been drawn up for the tape .
2 ‘ No detailed programme has yet been drawn up for the production of the District Wide Plan .
3 Over the years a number of international agreements have been drawn up for the management of various global commons .
4 A five year programme has been drawn up for the regeneration of the town centre and the St Hilda 's area , Grove Hill , Easterside , Newport , Ayresome and Gresham .
5 Although the accounts are drawn up for the benefit of the proprietors or shareholders of a business , the primary objective of such accounts could be said to establish the amount of tax due to the Inland Revenue .
6 Three year rolling service agreements are to be drawn up for the other directors and senior employees as set out in Appendix II .
7 Environmental commissioner Ioannis Paleokrassas announced that a special committee had been set up to carry out impact assessments on the application of regional and structural funds , and that a timetable would be drawn up for the implementation of the " Fifth Action programme for the environment " — a legislative framework for the future .
8 NAMES are being drawn up for the Co Antrim team to take part in May 's Coca-Cola Under 18 Championship .
9 Schemes of the same kind were drawn up for the forests of Chute , Pickering and Knaresborough , and in the soke of Somersham within the forest of Huntingdon , which the Attorney-General reported ‘ had not been in use for a long time past .
10 The boundaries were drawn up for the Directive on a Commune by Commune basis with the vast majority of Communes being entirely allocated to one or other LFA zone .
11 With competition becoming intense the first set of Motor Racing rules were drawn up for the Paris-Amsterdam-Paris race of 1898 .
12 Nowhere was this more apparent than in the complicated pattern of voting that was drawn up for the Council , varying according to the nature and source of the issue under discussion and ranging from simply majorities through qualified majorities to unanimity .
13 Over lunch at the Roof Gardens , an agreement was drawn up for the purchase of Powell 's share in Virgin , giving him one million pounds , the Scala cinema and the video-editing suites .
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