Example sentences of "[be] return to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Can there be a more telling difference between the day when the CBI has confirmed the depth of the recession , unemployment is rising faster than in any other European country , we have a training and skills crisis , which the Government are making worse daily , and the fact that the Conservatives are returning to the agenda of the 1970s because they have no answers to the problems of the 1990s ?
2 Although passengers are returning to the air — numbers carried by BA rose 7.3 per cent to 6.18 million in the quarter — the increase is not matching the rise in BA 's capacity , which jumped 11 per cent over the same period .
3 Allister Hutton , Mike Gratton and Veronique Marot are returning to the course which brought them victory in the eighties and they 'll be joined by Berlin Marathon winner Steve Brace , who is using the London as part of his preparation for Barcelona .
4 The King and Queen ( who like very special and unusual food ) are returning to the Castle .
5 Prism has worked with a very wide variety of groups including the elderly , people with learning difficulties or physical handicap , those recovering from mental illness and those who care for and enable groups who are returning to the community .
6 Comparison of ‘ To Lucinda ’ with the first publication of ‘ The Rural Maid 's Reflexions ’ shows that Browne , for whatever reason , changed at least one title , though he may have been returning to the original .
7 because they 're returning to the area .
8 ‘ I 'm returning to the Queen ; your home is in the other direction . ’
9 No , it will not be the gas board in the Republic of Ireland , and I suspect that I shall be returning to the subject of gas all afternoon and most of the evening .
10 FOLLOWING its highly successful run at the King 's last year ‘ Buddy ‘ , The Buddy Holly Story will be returning to the theatre this summer .
11 Joan Knight will also be returning to the theatre which she has run for the last 25 years , Andrew McKinnon having invited her to direct Tally 's Blood .
12 Beyond this point the observer would be returning to the north pole .
13 We shall be returning to the treatment of functions in language teaching in Section Two .
14 She still had n't admitted to the other woman that she was n't at all sure she 'd be returning to the music business .
15 As the queen-dowager had informed them , she was but paying a brief visit to the palace , out of respect for her young lord and would be returning to the sanctuary very shortly .
16 It would also leave Lewis as possibly a minor player in the world heavyweight scene which could be returning to the chaos that surrounded it before Mike Tyson brutally united sports richest prize .
17 That 's when I decided to gamble on the chance that you 'd soon be returning to the hotel to freshen up before the start of the evening .
18 Adults who prefer sex with animals may be returning to the stage when there was little distinction between humans and animals , and use an animal as a substitute for sexual relations with a parent .
19 She would n't be returning to the farm for a while , she told him .
20 I hope that the hon. Gentleman had the opportunity to tell the gentleman that he might well see me in future as I shall be returning to the town in which I was born .
21 Armagh businessman Mr Adrian Stinson will step into the shoes of Mr Brian Musgrave , who will be returning to the Department of Economic Development .
22 I could get myself into trouble with a colleague of yours in another town but er I am hopeful , so as I say , er on the seventeenth of January then we could be returning to the situation and I understand in nineteen seventy four when there was a sergeant and six constables here in until the demise of the Urban District Council when they were all moved to .
23 I have now bought a Tesoro Laser B1 ( that has both auto and manual ground adjust ) and will be returning to the site to see if the extra performance of this machine turns up any more finds .
24 ‘ Then I shall drive you to Wellington , where I 'll meet your parents and inform your father you 'll not be returning to the office .
25 Lucy felt a surge of excitement , not only because here was the opportunity to see a kiwi in its natural surroundings , but also because she would be returning to the bush with Silas .
26 The clauses , which were introduced under the 1974-79 Labour Government , were no doubt designed to reassure people that the dangers would be minimised , as the spent nuclear fuel would be returned to the country of origin .
27 The work would be carried out on the understanding that the resulting products would be returned to the country of origin .
28 Ultimate power must specifically and clearly be returned to the Council of Ministers who directly represent the interests of the various sovereign governments .
29 Governing bodies drug testing programmes should be returned to the Council by 26 February 1988 .
30 It is especially interesting that , leaving aside the damage that such a policy would do to the services by wiping out 10 frigates , four submarines and four squadrons of Tornados , there has never been a suggestion in any of the texts that money would be returned to the taxpayer .
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