Example sentences of "[be] expect [conj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 SERIOUS traffic delays are expected while British Gas carry out excavations of the A59 at Rice Lane , near Walton Hospital , Liverpool .
2 We controlled the game better than might have been expected but this game is different and , however much you plan things , a goal can change everything .
3 US scientists who have analysed the data claim that there is no evidence that temperatures in the lower atmosphere have increased significantly , as could have been expected if global warming were underway .
4 In the light of certain of the clinical evidence it might be expected that one factor influencing the direction or degree of perceptual asymmetry obtained in laboratory experiments among left handers would be their degree of sinistrality .
5 Without this " attraction " it was hardly to be expected that rural labour markets could clear themselves through falling wages , since they were already so close to the level of subsistence that a further lowering would have reduced the productivity of labour via its depressing effect on the calorific value of workers ' diets which would no longer have sustained the same work effort .
6 It is not to be expected that each sentence written will obey grammar rules .
7 If the key processes are biochemical , then it might be expected that each memory will have its specific representation in terms of the synthesis of unique proteins or other molecules .
8 So it was to be expected that this sight should arouse some curiosity , and after putting their heads together the women put down their bowls and kettles and went over to ask the painter who was coming to live there .
9 In addition to the consumption of resources by the Contra war , it might well be expected that military invasion would harden government attitudes towards those whose actions were deemed anti-social or anti-government .
10 In the end , there is nothing better to be expected than dignified poverty with the consolation of friendship .
11 To return to the main point : we introduced surface dyslexia as the pattern of acquired dyslexia which would be expected if neurological damage had affected the lexical procedure for reading aloud and spared the non-lexical procedure .
12 An upper jaw from Samburu Hills appears to have gorilla-like morphology of its teeth combined with thick enamel , which is very much what would be expected if thick enamel is identified as an ancestral hominine character .
13 Moreover , there is little seismic evidence for the intermediate and deep earthquakes below the Himalayas that would be expected if active subduction is , in fact , occurring .
14 The administration of additional inspired oxygen seemed to be of benefit ; in 15 patients with baseline hypoxaemia this would be expected as episodic desaturation has been reported to be more severe if baseline hypoxaemia is present .
15 Judicial misinterpretation is only to be expected where radical reform is introduced .
16 There are a large number of situations in which it is expected that professional judgement will have a considerable influence upon the implementation process .
17 This has now been officially recognised and it is expected that extra student places will be provided to make up the deficiency .
18 It is expected that this standard will form the basis of European certification schemes within the Single Market .
19 It is expected that this halon replacement programme will continue to generate new business for the foreseeable future .
20 It is expected that this trend will continue at least until the turn of the century : indeed forecasts suggest that between now and the year 2000 , the 70 year old ex-Service population will nearly double , while by the end of that period some 500,000 ex-RAF personnel will be over 80 years old .
21 It is expected that this trend will continue at least until the turn of the century ; indeed forecasts suggest that between now and the year 2000 , the 70 year old ex-Service population will nearly double , while by the end of that period some 500,000 ex-RAF personnel will be over 80 years old .
22 It is expected that this trend will continue , with further reductions in the number of hours worked and more people taking early retirement .
23 It is expected that this combination will not only ensure the continuing existence of the profession but also identify a high potential for information managers and librarians and a rapid growth in the requirements for their services .
24 It is expected that this investigation will show the nature of the connection between South Asian voluntary associations and the wider realm of national and local politics in Bristol .
25 It is expected that this study will demonstrate the importance of symbolisation , categorisation and social relationships in the way people construct ideas about food and health .
26 It is expected that this exemption will also be invoked only rarely .
27 And many disabled people require large quantities of water , so it is expected that social legislation will provide grants to cover some of these categories .
28 The European programme is , like the US Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile ( GOSIP ) effort , mandatory , and its is expected that most government buyers will follow the guidelines because they will have to give and explain reasons for non-standard purchases .
29 It was expected that some sort of legal action would follow .
30 It was expected that these service engineers would have sufficient parts from their own stocks to do simple repairs , and the theory was that major parts could be provided from Argent Distributors ' warehouse within 48 hours .
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