Example sentences of "[be] require [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you fail to complete assignments on time , you may lose marks , credits , or be required to repeat some courses .
2 Additional policies may be required to complement fiscal policy if the government is to have a better chance of achieving its various objectives .
3 The vendor will be required to disclose such contracts against the warranty that no consents to transfer are required ( see warranty F1 in the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) .
4 In manuscript assignments , candidates will be required to demonstrate simple display techniques .
5 There has been no strike in agriculture since 1923 and the instinct of the farm worker is to shun rather than seek the kind of publicity which would be required to engender public support for his cause .
6 All men on site will be required to wear hard hats and safety boots at all times within the designated areas .
7 In some sales , potential purchasers may not be required to issue formal offers but the process will move directly to the negotiating stage ( section 0506 below ) and price and terms will be discussed with MAS at a meeting , in the presence of the client .
8 Buying goods from a reputable source is not enough as the supplier will be required to entertain elementary precautions , for example , sampling or checking the weight of the goods supplied ( s28(1) of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ) and ensuring that the system can cope with mistakes .
9 The agency calls for radar to be installed to cover the whole Scottish coast , and says tanker masters should be required to report significant failures to the Coastguard immediately they happen .
10 Under Section 3 of the 1921 Act ( amended by the 1983 Act ) , the C. and A.G. can also be required to audit certain accounts by direction from the Treasury ; but these are relatively few and any direction must be approved by the House of Commons .
11 Since ‘ real world ’ applications require the lexicon to contain entries for tens of thousands of words it is also necessary to consider how large the available lexicon is , the format of the entries and how much effort would be required to create new entries .
12 The EC monetary committee , on the other hand , had concluded in a report in July that " in full EMU the Council [ of Ministers ] should have legal power to enforce the reduction of actual or planned deficits which it finds excessive … and be required to use that power " .
13 Remember also , that a licence may be required to use this type of device since it is not handheld — if in doubt , consult your local water company .
14 He also received a three-year period of probation — during which he would be required to perform 1,800 hours of community service per year — on a more general conspiracy charge .
15 If it were , it would not be an association of equal citizens but of members with differing status ; subjects would not be free to pursue their own purposes but would be required to perform particular roles ; government would be a matter of management rather than rule ; and government would also be provisional rather than unconditional and non-retractable .
16 Whatever the reason for the review , the purchasing function will be required to examine alternative sources of supply , or alternative products capable of meeting an existing or predictable need .
17 A licence then would be required to exceed that number , or to advertise animals for sale .
18 Companies taking part will be required to set environmental policies , goals and management systems , carry out systematic environmental assessments every three years , and have their performance verified by an EC-approved auditor .
19 As a safeguard , they recommended that a magistrates ' court should be required to sanction any detention after twenty-four hours and that the suspect should be legally represented at this stage , so that his or her point of view could be put across .
20 A partner who does make a profit through such competition may be required to forfeit such profit and pay the profit over to the partnership .
21 The NRA should be required to justify that expenditure in a public forum where its arguments can be fully considered and its proponents cross examined .
22 overtime : will the employee be required to undertake compulsory overtime ?
23 You should note that , as a condition of accepting this appointment , you will be required to undertake appropriate management and other related training as soon as this can be arranged .
24 In exceptional circumstances , students with German or Spanish at ‘ O ’/GCSE; level may be accepted , but these students will be required to undertake additional classes in German or Spanish in their first year of study .
25 In addition , as they go up through the school , pupils , whether visually handicapped or not , will increasingly be required to undertake independent study involving looking up references and using graphic information such as charts and diagrams .
26 Under the presidential ruling , industry would no longer be required to give public notice of plans to make minor changes to plant operations which might result in an increase of polluting emissions .
27 Local authorities will be required to hold public registers of information .
28 Estimates of legionella concentrations around cooling towers ( 2–258 bacteria per 100 litres of air ) signify that 9 years of inhalation would be required to produce human disease .
29 Another disadvantage of the Building Notice procedure is that if your work is to be financed by a bank or building society , then you may be required to produce some form of documentary proof that your proposal is satisfactory when you are negotiating for your loan .
30 Some 3,000 to 5,000 inspectors will be required to produce those reports .
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