Example sentences of "[be] possible to make [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If you care for a relative or close friend on a long-term basis and feel unable to return to full-time work it may still be possible to make alternative arrangements in order to work for one or more days or nights a week .
2 Nevertheless , in areas where a carbonate platform is developed , as in N.E. England and the southern North Sea , a similar model to that applied to Z2 and Z3 Carbonates presumably can be used , and it should be possible to make tentative predictions of porosity distribution from isopach maps ( Fig. 4a ) .
3 ‘ It is simply wrong for the Government to suggest that on the basis of these raw figures it 's possible to make valid comparisons . ’
4 From this road it is possible to make small diversions down into the villages of Jardim do Mar and Paúl do Mar , although the roads in and out of them are more spectacular than the villages themselves .
5 Again it is possible to make categorical assertions in English without giving any indication of the evidence that one has for making them or of one 's attitude towards what one is saying : there are languages that can not do this . ’
6 In these days of the video camera and ‘ instant ’ processing it is possible to make memorable recordings of important local events — from rag-day parades to the church bazaar , the Remembrance Day service at the war memorial , or the opening of the new parish hall .
7 Once this has been done it is possible to make single-frequency readings to give quantitative concentrations of constituents of a mixture .
8 Another problem arises from the form of the inscriptions ; most are lists of short , terse statements — objects , numbers and dedicatees — and many of the words are proper names , so it is possible to make false interpretations without the errors becoming apparent subsequently , as they would in a longer and more connected text .
9 Thinking and fantasizing seem to have constituted the majority of Foulkes 's and Vogel 's subjects ' reports , but while it is possible to make fine distinctions between levels of sleep depth using EEG/ EOG measures , these did not seem to be very predictive of the quality of experience reported .
10 This is a method of analysing the contents of documents or other non-statistical material in such a way that it is possible to make statistical comparisons between them .
11 Nevertheless , provided that it is possible to make informed assumptions about the likely shapes and sizes of buildings at particular periods , a computer can be programmed to search for particular configurations of post-holes that might result from such a structure and ‘ peel them off ’ , to reveal a simplified picture of earlier building phases .
12 It is possible to make three-dimensional maps .
13 They were confident that it was possible to make general statements about improvements across a year group , despite individual differences .
14 Although electrical excitability in the nervous system had been demonstrated before the beginning of the nineteenth century , it was not until the late nineteenth century that it was shown that the brain was spontaneously electrically active Jeannerod 1985 ) , and it was only in the 1930s , after the invention of the valve amplifier , that it was possible to make meaningful records of this activity .
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