Example sentences of "[be] recently [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore a person can be recently infected by HIV and have a negative result .
2 Two AI delegates were recently invited as guest speakers to a week-long conference in Colombo on trade unions and human rights .
3 Comparing it to the fixtures that were recently posted on rec.sport.soccer , the corrections are as follows : —
4 A GROUP of parishioners from St Mary of Furness , Barrow , were recently joined by friends from other parishes in the town to take part in a retreat at Brettargh Holt , near Kendal .
5 One hundred and fourteen polaroid self-portraits by Greek-born American Lucas Samaras ( b. 1936 ) were recently purchased from New York 's Pace/MacGill Gallery by Gayle Greenhill .
6 Both house and mill were recently offered for sale and , although not in the best of condition , their potential was obvious .
7 The religious police ( mutawa ) were recently pricked into action by the horrifying sight of Saudi women demonstrating for the right to drive .
8 She 's recently returned from Bolivia where an Arts Council grant enabled her to shoot the natives living in the foothills of the Andes .
9 She 's recently returned from Bolivia where an Arts council grant enabled her to shoot the natives living in the foothills of the Andes .
10 The new APRA secretary-general , former President Alan García Pérez , had been recently cleared on corruption charges by the Supreme Court , a decision which had angered the government and the military [ see p. 38718 ] and fuelled allegations that the Supreme Court was APRA-dominated .
11 The six extra units , covering first line supervisory skills , quality assurance , and technology , have been recently developed in consultation with industry , and take account of both guidance from the National Economic Development Council and lead body standards .
12 What seems to be a very advanced GIS with real-time monitoring capacity for use in emergency planning has been recently developed by Plessey Defence Systems .
13 The concentrations of trace metals have been recently studied in saliva and gut secretions , but not in gastric juice , which contains appreciable concentrations of electrolyte cations .
14 There is a rising interest both at colleges and with general audiences , and it has been recently popularised by television .
15 Aston was eventually offered a temporary place in a hostel occupied exclusively by men , many of whom have been recently released from prison or who have drug problems .
16 ‘ Strange Free World ’ is produced by Hugh Jones and has been recently released in America to great acclaim ( see feature , page 16 ) .
17 This has been recently re-affirmed in Safeway Food Stores Ltd v Banderway Ltd ( 1983 ) 267 EG 850 , where the judge said that the word " umpire " was quite neutral and did not cast any light on the nature of the reference .
18 This is correct though we doubt if a reductio has to be taken into account and prefer the approach of non-fanciful construction which has been recently reaffirmed in Home Counties Dairies v Skilton ( see p63 ) .
19 It had obviously been recently decorated for Howarth 's arrival , and the pale grey-green carpet , with its matching square under the desk , was as yet unmarked , the curtains hung in pristine folds of dark green .
20 A comprehensive biography documenting the life and times of Josiah Wedgwood has been recently published by Macmillan .
21 Sponsored by Gardner Merchant , the award was recently presented to Jayne Sprenger , proprietor of Highfield Publications , by Garry Hawkes FHCIMA , chief executive of Gardner Merchant .
22 Liz Watt , cashier clerkess at Grampian TV in Aberdeen , was recently presented with gifts from CCG and Grampian in recognition of 20 years service at the television station .
23 Johnson Mattheys leadership in technical innovation was recently highlighted by success in the Innovation Stage of the 1993 Prince of Wales Award for Innovation .
24 The plight of children infected with HIV was recently highlighted by Princess Diana when she presented a report by the National Children 's Bureau to a London conference on the impact of AIDS on family life .
25 It was recently transferred to Gloucestershire and elsewhere in an attempt to instigate an embryo transplant programme .
26 The church was recently struck by lightning , and although there 's no danger of the spire falling in on the congregation , a rousing hymn could be enough to make the damage worse .
27 37426 was recently overhauled in Glasgow Eastfield and has been with Petroleum and Regional Railways .
28 In an earlier step in the privatisation plan , Alex Lynch , Mr Bleasdale 's senior finance manager , was recently appointed as franchise development director of ScotRail .
29 Having worked in both the NHS and in independent healthcare management , Mr. Benson was recently based in London as director of human resources for BUPA Health Services .
30 He was recently honoured by Dungannon Council for his successes last year with his 138cm ponies , Little Logic and Omagh Candy .
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